Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does My Accoustic Tv Keep Turning Off

March 8. Look up leaving the ground noise and shouting

Preceded by red-hot controversy, with heavy innuendo that rocked the buildings policy, the world finds himself surrounded by Italian women, the threshold of the new 8 March, widespread feelings of frustration and dismay. Where has happened to the great words, which gave name to the life that is woven in the last century feminist thought, that by calling for a new subjectivity in private as in public, looked with hope to build relationships, based on the values \u200b\u200bof respect and reciprocity?
is worth, then, looking up, leaving the ground noise and crowds, so this day was dedicated to the 'other half of heaven ", assist all - women and men - to reconsider the original mystery of' unity dual, "he spoke of John Paul II,
when caught in the early stages of Genesis of the generated manifest male-female relationship, with all the symbolic weight that still brings with it. If the order of love belongs to the intimate life of God himself, it is "the foundation of the eternal plan of God, that woman is the one where the order of love in the created world of persons is a plot to throw the His first root "(Mulieris Dignitatem, 29). In fact, to see the fascinating mystery that radiates from the woman due to the grace that God has given her, a man's heart lights up and he sees himself in it:" This time it is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones "(Gen. 2, 23). The woman is another 'I' in common humanity. We must recognize, affirm and defend the equal dignity of man and woman are both people, unlike every other living thing in the world around them.
You keep repeating what Pope Benedict XVI - can you remember about the wonderful speech in Luanda March 22, 2009 - convinced that both kinds are called to live in deep communion, in mutual recognition and a gift of themselves, working together for the common good with the complementary aspects of what is masculine and what is feminine. Who can fail to recognize today the need to make more room for "reasons of the heart"? In a world dominated by the current technology, we feel the need to complement this woman, so that the human race can live without all its humanity. Think of all the lands where great poverty of the regions devastated by war, so many tragic situations resulting from forced migration ... They are almost always women who manage to preserve human dignity, defending the family and protecting the cultural and religious values.
The prophetic gestures of so many women start here: always been accustomed to sustain the conflict and the weight of exclusion and difference, have understood the revolutionary potential of 'being-yeast, of' being-sale "hidden within the folds of history, consuming valuable in the everyday task of generating life and accompany the hard path of humanity. This is not the shouting of slogans or the performance discussed in the scenarios to account for mass media today, the irreplaceable role of women both in private, in the heart of the family, both in the public sector when it offers the opportunity to capitalize its expertise and creativity. It is rather the ground of the many daily activities, those that tell the story, to draw his physiognomy of identity, that is not afraid to risk failure, when there are half the values \u200b\u200bessential to defend and strengthen.
Sakineh the many victims of brutality fundamentalist Teresa of Calcutta to the many, scattered in the slums of Latin America or the African hell of fratricidal wars, Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bto the many difficult choices that translate into life the method is not as violent as standard human development in the crushed and forgotten minorities, mothers of ill or disabled children, left alone with their desperate desire for redemption, must be grateful to our thinking. They represent the best part, which continues to fertilize the deep layers of our social fabric, often distracted by false illusions and without that energy that only love knows creative control.
Paola Ricci Sindoni


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