"My brother Shahbaz has always fought for all in Pakistan, including Christians, could live their faith. He dedicated his entire life to it. I hope that his sacrifice takes to build a future of peace and hope for Christians and for all Pakistanis. " Is leaving for Islamabad from Treviso, Paul Bhatti, the brother of Pakistani minister for religious minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, killed two Wednesday
in Islamabad in March by an armed commando, close to the capital market. The attack was carried out in the morning by a group of masked men who ambushed the minister on the street. They pulled out of his car and opened fire against him, riddled with 30 bullets before fleeing in a car. Bhatti had defended bravely Asia Bibi, a Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy on the basis of false accusations. His Ministry had also set up recently "Interfaith cell", a toll against religious discrimination. After the killing of Salman Taseer, Governor of Punjab, who was also accused by Islamists of having defended Asia Bibi, Bhatti told the SIR they are "higher than the target" of radicals.
Bhatti was born September 9, 1968, in a Christian family (six children) from the village of Kushpur. After completing his studies, he began his political career in Pakistan People's Party. He worked closely with Benazir Bhutto, until the assassination of the Pakistani leader.
His prayer. His brother, graduated in medicine at Padua, specializing in pediatric surgery, lived six years in Treviso. He has taught at nursing school in Motta di Livenza and has worked in both hospital Ca 'Foncello that to Oderzo. Last September in Motta di Livenza he was reading the prayer for the persecuted Christians in Pakistan, during the Marian pilgrimage with a procession of the gift on the occasion of the Jubilee for the 500th anniversary of the apparitions.
A prayer that should have read their own minister, but returned home urgently, after meeting with Benedict XVI at the Vatican. "Mary, saves families and youth violence in Punjab and terrorism. We trust in God He is our Savior. Mary helps Christians of Pakistan to be a courageous family with people from unjust laws discriminated, persecuted and killed because of their faith. We expect only one place at the feet of Jesus Maria, is' always consider that the poor and forgotten in our lives. They are part of the body in need of Christ. Mother of Heaven, Miracles of Our Lady, Queen of Pakistan, pray for us. " So said Paul Bhatti, turning the square of the basilica to Our Lady. Words that are even more poignant today.
A life dedicated to freedom. "I saw my brother last month - said Paul Bhatti - when I returned to Pakistan on the occasion of the death of our father. I was worried about him, his commitment to religious freedom and to amend the blasphemy law had made him end up in the crosshairs of Islamists. That law is used almost exclusively against Christians. His proposals were being accepted, but the extremists have sent a strong signal of their opposition to killing the governor of Punjab, and so the changes have been detained. Shahbaz just wanted justice and freedom for all Pakistanis, particularly for religious minorities. " Agens
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