publish the notice of COMECE (Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Communities) on the ruling of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg issued following a review of the decision about the exposure of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy.
COMECE welcomes the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on the case Lautsi vs Italy. The Grand Chamber of the European Court has declared March 18, 2011 that the presence of crucifixes in classrooms Italian state is not contrary to the right to education. This decision contradicts clearly the previous ruling of 2009, the Chamber of the European Court. COMECE sees this decision is a recognition of the rightful place of Christianity in the public square, and the recognition of the diversity of cultural traditions in Europe.
It 's a fact that throughout Europe there is a variety of models that regulate
question on how to treat religion and religious symbols in public schools and in public life. This diversity is the result of different traditions, histories and identities of the Member States, and reflects the context of other Church-State relations. The Court rightly recognizes that the absence of a European consensus on the presence of symbols Religious state schools must be taken into account in assessing this case.
The presence of a crucifix in schools does not prevent the transmission of knowledge in an objective, critical and pluralistic. The presence of this particular religious symbol is intended rather to convey basic moral values \u200b\u200bin public schools.
In view of the Catholic principle of subsidiarity, the Comece agrees with the Court that the most appropriate level in order to reasonably evaluate these issues, which are deeply rooted in the tradition of the country, is the national one. The cross symbolizes the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians of all the names involved being in the cross a symbol of global love for all humanity. For believers of other religions and even non-believers, the cross can be seen as a symbol of resistance to non-violence and retaliation, her public display reminds all humans respect human dignity, a principle which were derived all the fundamental rights.
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