Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Diagram On How To Network 2 Ps3's

diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Monte di Varallo

The theme of the pastoral year is "Journeying with St. Charles." This journey of faith can be accompanied by a commendably real path through the spiritual practice of pilgrimage. The Archbishop Carlo Redaelli recalls: "The Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi - in the year when we celebrate the fourth centenary of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo - urges the community parish to consider the opportunity of a visit or a
prayerful pilgrimage to the places that most closely recall the figure of St Charles. And as to the validity of the proposal continues: "Even
Archbishop will go right to the Sacred Mountain of Varallo Saturday, April 9 chairing a diocesan pilgrimage with a significant representation." The Ambrosian
diocesan pilgrimage are invited to this nodal areas of pastoral responsibility of bodies of immigrants, from the popular religious forms of holiness, from social care to the seminar.
In particular, invited the members of the Board pastoral and diocesan priests, the College of Deans, representatives of associations, groups, movements, representatives of the Chaplaincy of migrants and others.
a representation that offer the Lord in prayer, remembering especially the diocese pastoral vitality as that energy has in S. Carlo Preclaro an example.
In the pastoral letter "called to be saints," the card. Tettamanzi thus described the vital work of the church at the time of Saint Ambrose Bishop and with the re-proposed for today, "St. Charles has brought dedication, love and hope, not only in the Christian community but the entire city of Milan, so especially when it was hit fever. It is open to all and was able to go outside the walls ". An example of the ramifications of this influx of holiness can be perceived also by listing the areas where it is associated with his name. Hospitals and parishes, colleges and foundations have, in fact, as the patron saint's day.
The frequent pastoral visits to parishes, numerous processions throughout the liturgical year, the promotion and attendance of the Sacred Mountains clearly testify to its vitality and above his being a "pilgrim."
It is this figure summary of holiness, that of Charles traveler of the spirit, you meditate during the pilgrimage next April. The context will prayer and embrace, in the invocation, all the faithful of the diocese that the gift of holiness to reach everyone.
browse to the places dear to the memory of St. Charles, moreover, encourages its imitation to holiness. Remembered as a singular holiness Benedict XVI already nell'Angelus 4. 11. 2007: "The figure of Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan, stands out in the sixteenth century as a model of exemplary charity Shepherd, doctrine, apostolic zeal and above all prayer," the anime - he said - are won on your knees "."

Massimo Pavanello
Head of tourism and pilgrimages
Archdiocese of Milan


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