Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rolladen Shutters Parts

Reading a cylinder seal and a weighing

Favbrillhà, home of the ashtray.
Lapis, 3x1.9, diam. Forum

is a fight scene between hero and animals and a scene of libation, with various fillers and written in italics orzoweiano classic.
On the left you see the naked hero with the raised right hand holds the right hind leg of a quadruped herbivore upside down, maybe a gazelle, the left arm goes around the neck of a deer prancing on its hind legs, with large volgente antlers and nose back. The right foot of the hero insists on the back of a lion's neck azzannante dell'erbivoro upside down. Berlumeš left leg is bent backwards, in typical pose of the hero of the race on his knees. To the right and left of the head of the hero, there are two four-leaf clovers as fillers. Berlumeš The hero is represented with flowing hair and curly beard and a long woolly reaching down to touch the ground.
A right is a scene of libation. In front of a shrub with branches in herringbone pattern looks old hairless. The old is left sitting on a stool with legs crossed. The old man is stripped to the waist, a pleated skirt or blanket down to cover the feet. The right hand is resting on the old belly. The left hand holds a long tube coming out of a jar placed in the air, the other end the barrel is inserted into the mouth of the old man who clearly aspires to a substance contained in the vessel. A second
twisted straw coming out of the jar in the opposite direction to serve a second character just sketched, perhaps represents the semieroe Skakajolo, the monstrous, the ogre of the mountains, the devourer of children, the word "companion" of Berlumeš. Between the two rods on the bottom is engraved with a shamrock.
Above the banquet scene an inscription in classical orzoweiano italics. It reads Ahytéé , translated with a little 'approximation and all the caution of the event: "Alas, like a snail without shell sit and cry bitter tears about my past."
slightly concave surface, the hole off center. Lapis Lazuli with many veins. Fine workmanship, very detailed and natural in the figures, but very schematic symbols in the field. Slight traces of use.

Favbrillhà, home of the ashtray. Hematite
translucent 2.45x1x1.05; gr. 5735.

weigh-shaped duck. Base flattened. Upper surface shaped in the form of a duck with a long body, tail hanging, long neck folded back, head resting on his back, pointed beak made in a schematic way. Registration of "Paper-YOGA En-lil-la". (* )

( *) "Reading a cylinder seal and a weighing of the House ashtray Favbrillhà, Silver S. Spikspan. Retrieved from vol. I, 1 ° sem., Fasc. 4, of the "Proceedings of the Academy of Orzoweiani, 1954.


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