Friday, March 18, 2011

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Crucifix at school: the comment COMECE

publish the notice of COMECE (Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Communities) on the ruling of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg issued following a review of the decision about the exposure of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy.

COMECE welcomes the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on the case Lautsi vs Italy. The Grand Chamber of the European Court has declared March 18, 2011 that the presence of crucifixes in classrooms Italian state is not contrary to the right to education. This decision contradicts clearly the previous ruling of 2009, the Chamber of the European Court. COMECE sees this decision is a recognition of the rightful place of Christianity in the public square, and the recognition of the diversity of cultural traditions in Europe.
It 's a fact that throughout Europe there is a variety of models that regulate
question on how to treat religion and religious symbols in public schools and in public life. This diversity is the result of different traditions, histories and identities of the Member States, and reflects the context of other Church-State relations. The Court rightly recognizes that the absence of a European consensus on the presence of symbols Religious state schools must be taken into account in assessing this case.
The presence of a crucifix in schools does not prevent the transmission of knowledge in an objective, critical and pluralistic. The presence of this particular religious symbol is intended rather to convey basic moral values \u200b\u200bin public schools.
In view of the Catholic principle of subsidiarity, the Comece agrees with the Court that the most appropriate level in order to reasonably evaluate these issues, which are deeply rooted in the tradition of the country, is the national one. The cross symbolizes the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians of all the names involved being in the cross a symbol of global love for all humanity. For believers of other religions and even non-believers, the cross can be seen as a symbol of resistance to non-violence and retaliation, her public display reminds all humans respect human dignity, a principle which were derived all the fundamental rights.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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San Carlo. Paths of water, prayer, art

The church of San Cristoforo, Milan,
at the namesake port on the canal, where
San Carlo
ended his last long voyage in the boat November 2, 1584
will come to a quick agile text that offers the possibility to know S. Carlo from three itineraries, cultural and spiritual San Carlo. Paths of water, prayer, art, Center Ambrosiano. The text is edited by the offices of tourism, cultural heritage and the catechumenate of the Curia of Milan with the Institute for the Canals / Associazione Amici dei Navigli.
The first way is reported that reconstructs the final journey of St. Charles before his death. Path of water is entitled, as takes place between Lake Maggiore and the Naviglio Grande. A path in part Today tourist waterway, and retaining the traces of the holy bishop of the Holy Mount of Varallo, where he was in the last days of life, he returned to Milan, by boat along the waterway.
A path of prayer is instead proposed that the second chapter. The Borromeo has crossed several times the entire diocese and the list of sites surveyed
aims to recall some places of worship that the pilgrim can easily identify the geography closest to him - with a raid in Canton Ticino - finding a convenient opportunity to openly pray in a frame due to St. Charles. The last
section, the path of Art, presents works by artists who have shown special moments in the life of the holy bishop. The reading levels of these attractions are manifold, but also the only aesthetic appreciation may decide to visit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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WYD Madrid. Eco-friendly mass rally

Although expected more 'than a million and a half kids, the World Youth Day' an event in Madrid will be sustainable, environmentally friendly and with zero emissions.
And can 'be considered the most' big rally never happened with these characteristics. "Give Earth a good condition to future generations and 'a concern of every Christian and therefore also the World Day, "explained the organizers.
" will be calculated and compensated - are assured in a press conference in Madrid - direct emissions from gas are inevitable in mass events with a practice more and more ' used in events that bring together a large amount 'of people. "For its part, the Government has recognized the Iberian World Youth Day as an" event of exceptional public interest "." Between 16 and August 21 Madrid will become' the capital of youth " , has stressed the
card. Antonio Rouco Varela, archbishop of Madrid and president of the English Episcopal Conference.
engagements include the Pope in Madrid on the occasion of World Youth Day and 'expected also a meeting with about 1,500 university professors in active service who are under forty years, mostly Spaniards, but with representatives of other countries. The meeting will take place 'Escorial, immediately after the meeting between Benedict XVI and the thousand and five hundred contemplative nuns, confirmed the executive director of World Youth Day in Madrid, Yago de la Cierva, explaining that the Vatican Press Office today and they' wanted to offer Pope, a professor at the chance 'to meet young colleagues.
As the numbers of participants, is expected to be 'passed the million and a half. There are already 'two hundred and ninety thousand members with prevalence among foreigners, Italians (in 50 000 have already' booked), French, and U.S.. More 'than a thousand kids come from South Africa, will be approximately 20 000 volunteers, including 1,300 Poles, who for the occasion are learning English. Participation in all the ceremonies and events and 'free as always, the package covers the contribution of organization, the solidarity fund' for individual countries and the poor and food, lodging, transportation tickets, according to the formula that you will choose '.
Salvatore Izzo
agency AGI

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Eucharistic Congress. It also talks about holiday and leisure

From 3rd to 11th September next, the Italian Church of the live event XXV National Eucharistic Congress to be held in Ancona and Dioceses of its metropolis.
The theme is "Lord, to whom shall we go? The Eucharist for everyday life "from the text of John 6, the Italian Church ask how you actually live in the great gift of the Eucharist daily. The areas of daily life in which it is urgent to decrease the strength of the Eucharist have been identified in those already dealt with during the Ecclesial Convention in Verona in 2006: affection, tenderness, citizenship, work and party tradition.
The adoption of these issues upon which to focus the reflections, has permit Congress to structure the week so that each day is dedicated to one of these areas and that each of them
may involve one or more stakeholders in the development of the theme.
will be open all week long conference, but only for the day specifically reserved the issue of his service to the Church.
If you decide to attend the Eucharistic Congress, please let us know (

For practical ways to participate you will need to refer to the site register online; if you want to see the program of the week and other material on the portal you can access the Eucharistic Congress of the Diocese in the section dedicated to the CEN or the Congress website at the address above.

Don Massimo Pavanello
Office Tourism and Pilgrimage Archdiocese

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'Do the right thing. " Tourism Expo 2015 and the Social

Expo 2015 and the tourism office. The contribution of social tourism as an opportunity to enhance the warmth of Lombardy. This is the theme that will be discussed during a panel discussion - which also participate in the relevant department of diocese of Milan - in the event Fa ' the right thing - to be held in Fiera Milano City Hall Viola, Halls 2:04 - on the 25th March next at 15.30. The entrance to the entire event is free of charge (6.00 €, ticket Fa 'the right thing) and you must book on the site
- Silvia Garnero, Councillor Fashion, Events, Expo - Milan Province
- Stefano Bolognini, Councillor Security, Provincial Police,
Civil Protection, Prevention, Turismo - Provincia di Milano
- Benito Perl, president of the National FITuS
- Pasquale Maria Cioffi, Director of the Fashion, Events and excellence, Expo - Milan Province
- Fabrizio Pozzoli, Sector Coordinator Europe OITS
- Don Massimo Pavanello, Head of Tourism Milan Archdiocese
- Sergio Silvotti, spokesman for the Third Sector Forum
Lombardia - Fabio Ausenda, secretary Association of Lombardy hostels
- Anna Tassoni, Cooperativa Sociale La Cordata
- Luigi Bandera, Regional Coordinator and President of Forum for Social Tourism FITuS

Organize roundtable Fitus-Italian Federation of Social Tourism under the patronage of Province of Milan For Information: Tourism Social Forum c / o CSV
via Salgari, 43 / b Brescia
Telephone: 030 41 889

Diagram On How To Network 2 Ps3's

diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Monte di Varallo

The theme of the pastoral year is "Journeying with St. Charles." This journey of faith can be accompanied by a commendably real path through the spiritual practice of pilgrimage. The Archbishop Carlo Redaelli recalls: "The Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi - in the year when we celebrate the fourth centenary of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo - urges the community parish to consider the opportunity of a visit or a
prayerful pilgrimage to the places that most closely recall the figure of St Charles. And as to the validity of the proposal continues: "Even
Archbishop will go right to the Sacred Mountain of Varallo Saturday, April 9 chairing a diocesan pilgrimage with a significant representation." The Ambrosian
diocesan pilgrimage are invited to this nodal areas of pastoral responsibility of bodies of immigrants, from the popular religious forms of holiness, from social care to the seminar.
In particular, invited the members of the Board pastoral and diocesan priests, the College of Deans, representatives of associations, groups, movements, representatives of the Chaplaincy of migrants and others.
a representation that offer the Lord in prayer, remembering especially the diocese pastoral vitality as that energy has in S. Carlo Preclaro an example.
In the pastoral letter "called to be saints," the card. Tettamanzi thus described the vital work of the church at the time of Saint Ambrose Bishop and with the re-proposed for today, "St. Charles has brought dedication, love and hope, not only in the Christian community but the entire city of Milan, so especially when it was hit fever. It is open to all and was able to go outside the walls ". An example of the ramifications of this influx of holiness can be perceived also by listing the areas where it is associated with his name. Hospitals and parishes, colleges and foundations have, in fact, as the patron saint's day.
The frequent pastoral visits to parishes, numerous processions throughout the liturgical year, the promotion and attendance of the Sacred Mountains clearly testify to its vitality and above his being a "pilgrim."
It is this figure summary of holiness, that of Charles traveler of the spirit, you meditate during the pilgrimage next April. The context will prayer and embrace, in the invocation, all the faithful of the diocese that the gift of holiness to reach everyone.
browse to the places dear to the memory of St. Charles, moreover, encourages its imitation to holiness. Remembered as a singular holiness Benedict XVI already nell'Angelus 4. 11. 2007: "The figure of Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan, stands out in the sixteenth century as a model of exemplary charity Shepherd, doctrine, apostolic zeal and above all prayer," the anime - he said - are won on your knees "."

Massimo Pavanello
Head of tourism and pilgrimages
Archdiocese of Milan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Reading a cylinder seal and a weighing

Favbrillhà, home of the ashtray.
Lapis, 3x1.9, diam. Forum

is a fight scene between hero and animals and a scene of libation, with various fillers and written in italics orzoweiano classic.
On the left you see the naked hero with the raised right hand holds the right hind leg of a quadruped herbivore upside down, maybe a gazelle, the left arm goes around the neck of a deer prancing on its hind legs, with large volgente antlers and nose back. The right foot of the hero insists on the back of a lion's neck azzannante dell'erbivoro upside down. Berlumeš left leg is bent backwards, in typical pose of the hero of the race on his knees. To the right and left of the head of the hero, there are two four-leaf clovers as fillers. Berlumeš The hero is represented with flowing hair and curly beard and a long woolly reaching down to touch the ground.
A right is a scene of libation. In front of a shrub with branches in herringbone pattern looks old hairless. The old is left sitting on a stool with legs crossed. The old man is stripped to the waist, a pleated skirt or blanket down to cover the feet. The right hand is resting on the old belly. The left hand holds a long tube coming out of a jar placed in the air, the other end the barrel is inserted into the mouth of the old man who clearly aspires to a substance contained in the vessel. A second
twisted straw coming out of the jar in the opposite direction to serve a second character just sketched, perhaps represents the semieroe Skakajolo, the monstrous, the ogre of the mountains, the devourer of children, the word "companion" of Berlumeš. Between the two rods on the bottom is engraved with a shamrock.
Above the banquet scene an inscription in classical orzoweiano italics. It reads Ahytéé , translated with a little 'approximation and all the caution of the event: "Alas, like a snail without shell sit and cry bitter tears about my past."
slightly concave surface, the hole off center. Lapis Lazuli with many veins. Fine workmanship, very detailed and natural in the figures, but very schematic symbols in the field. Slight traces of use.

Favbrillhà, home of the ashtray. Hematite
translucent 2.45x1x1.05; gr. 5735.

weigh-shaped duck. Base flattened. Upper surface shaped in the form of a duck with a long body, tail hanging, long neck folded back, head resting on his back, pointed beak made in a schematic way. Registration of "Paper-YOGA En-lil-la". (* )

( *) "Reading a cylinder seal and a weighing of the House ashtray Favbrillhà, Silver S. Spikspan. Retrieved from vol. I, 1 ° sem., Fasc. 4, of the "Proceedings of the Academy of Orzoweiani, 1954.

What Happen If Patient Slips Into Coma

Meditations on a coin of the Empire

Viewed this Sunday morning, an old black and white extraordinary documentary on child labor in Naples. The bad year was 1970. RAI paid his debt with the interests of public service funded by the Italian canon. Some
Sunday on RAI 3 is a conductor asked a popularizer of science and history because in Roman coins always obstinately heads look to the left (is there a political significance? ih ih ih). And that's always said that mica is so, and then he started to wander as a young student looking tan at maturity ...
Yet it seems undisputed that the heads of Romans are generally directed to the right, and only exceptionally to the left (is there a political meaning?). It depends on whether the engraving of the issue was more easy and natural to the left, or why was someone else? Mystery.
probably in 1970 at the RAI knew all respond in some way the question without digressing as a bearded student approaching maturity, and in those days there was a sense to pay fees to the RAI, and perhaps even Borghezio paid him (or her parents paid for him , which is more plausible, he was small). Then the flood. They came on TV screaming for the Barbarians, led by sneering anchormen.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Make Loco Salad

Presented the second book of Pope

"Though of course more details will be discussed, but I hope that I have been given to approach the figure of our Lord in a way that may be useful to all readers who want to meet Jesus and believe him. " So, with a double signature "Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI", the Pope has the principal objective of his work on "Jesus of Nazareth," now in its second volume, which recounts the life of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection " . The text will be presented today at 17 at Press Office of the Holy See, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and Claudio Magris, writer and Germany.
One of the authors most coveted in the world. The spread of the volume, the Vatican press office announced the contracts awarded for publishing this edition. Are already underway or completed translations in 20 of the main languages \u200b\u200bin the world, including Catalan, Czech, Malayalam, Ukrainian, Hungarian. In negotiating the translations in Arabic, Korean, greek, japanese. Are some thirty countries and publishers who have already signed contracts
of publication in major countries including Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, India, Malta, while negotiations are put forward for Lebanon and the Middle East, Korea, Greece and Japan. Some of the major publishers have already signed contracts for the publication.
A look at the "real Jesus". Already in the preface to the first volume, Pope Benedict XVI had said that he wished to illustrate the figure and message of Jesus "By exaggerating a bit '- says the holy father - one could say that I wanted to find the real Jesus." "I tried - continued - to develop a look at the Jesus of the Gospels and listening to him that he could become a meeting and yet, listening in communion with the disciples of Jesus of all time, also come to the certainty of truly historical figure of Jesus This task was even harder in the second half than in the first, for only the second meet in the words and decisive events in the life of Jesus. "
A third volume on the childhood of Jesus in the foreword, Pope Benedict admits that it was for him a source of joy to the fact that his first volume has also been accepted by the Protestant theologian Ringleben Joachim, author of another text about Jesus and - adds the Pope - "so to speak, a brother ecumenical." This shows that, "although with different theological approaches, is the same faith that acts, is an encounter with the Lord Himself Jesus I hope that both books, in their diversity and harmony in their essential, may be an ecumenical witness that at this time, in its way, can serve the common core mission of Christians. " Finally, Benedict XVI announced its intention to keep the promise made in the first part of the book, insisting that the will to write a "small file" on the childhood of Jesus, "if so I will still be given the strength."
Reasons of Christian joy. It is the "Christian joy," the key to reading the book, as indicated by Benedict XVI himself when he recalls that Christ ascending to heaven "holds his hands stretched out on us "to protect all humanity. "He comes When going to rise above ourselves and the world open to God why the disciples were able to rejoice when they returned home from Bethany. By faith we know that Jesus, blessing, holds his hands extended over us. This is why standing of Christian joy. "
The new law proposed by the new law proposed by Jesus Jesus "is not a new rule, but the new interior donated by the same Spirit of God." As for the betrayal of Judas, a symbol of all the betrayals by men, Benedict XVI writes that "through a series of seemingly petty forms of infidelity" he "fell spiritually and so, eventually, out of the light, enter night, and is no longer capable of conversion.
The Passion of Jesus "In the passion of Jesus, all the dirt of the world comes into contact with the immensely Pure (...). The dirt of the world is actually absorbed, annulled, transformed by the pain of the infinite. " This radical transformation occurs at the time of the resurrection of Jesus - he added - "is a sort of 'decisive change' (...), a quantum leap." In it "has reached a new chance to be a man, a possibility that interest all ". Angensir

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does My Accoustic Tv Keep Turning Off

March 8. Look up leaving the ground noise and shouting

Preceded by red-hot controversy, with heavy innuendo that rocked the buildings policy, the world finds himself surrounded by Italian women, the threshold of the new 8 March, widespread feelings of frustration and dismay. Where has happened to the great words, which gave name to the life that is woven in the last century feminist thought, that by calling for a new subjectivity in private as in public, looked with hope to build relationships, based on the values \u200b\u200bof respect and reciprocity?
is worth, then, looking up, leaving the ground noise and crowds, so this day was dedicated to the 'other half of heaven ", assist all - women and men - to reconsider the original mystery of' unity dual, "he spoke of John Paul II,
when caught in the early stages of Genesis of the generated manifest male-female relationship, with all the symbolic weight that still brings with it. If the order of love belongs to the intimate life of God himself, it is "the foundation of the eternal plan of God, that woman is the one where the order of love in the created world of persons is a plot to throw the His first root "(Mulieris Dignitatem, 29). In fact, to see the fascinating mystery that radiates from the woman due to the grace that God has given her, a man's heart lights up and he sees himself in it:" This time it is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones "(Gen. 2, 23). The woman is another 'I' in common humanity. We must recognize, affirm and defend the equal dignity of man and woman are both people, unlike every other living thing in the world around them.
You keep repeating what Pope Benedict XVI - can you remember about the wonderful speech in Luanda March 22, 2009 - convinced that both kinds are called to live in deep communion, in mutual recognition and a gift of themselves, working together for the common good with the complementary aspects of what is masculine and what is feminine. Who can fail to recognize today the need to make more room for "reasons of the heart"? In a world dominated by the current technology, we feel the need to complement this woman, so that the human race can live without all its humanity. Think of all the lands where great poverty of the regions devastated by war, so many tragic situations resulting from forced migration ... They are almost always women who manage to preserve human dignity, defending the family and protecting the cultural and religious values.
The prophetic gestures of so many women start here: always been accustomed to sustain the conflict and the weight of exclusion and difference, have understood the revolutionary potential of 'being-yeast, of' being-sale "hidden within the folds of history, consuming valuable in the everyday task of generating life and accompany the hard path of humanity. This is not the shouting of slogans or the performance discussed in the scenarios to account for mass media today, the irreplaceable role of women both in private, in the heart of the family, both in the public sector when it offers the opportunity to capitalize its expertise and creativity. It is rather the ground of the many daily activities, those that tell the story, to draw his physiognomy of identity, that is not afraid to risk failure, when there are half the values \u200b\u200bessential to defend and strengthen.
Sakineh the many victims of brutality fundamentalist Teresa of Calcutta to the many, scattered in the slums of Latin America or the African hell of fratricidal wars, Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bto the many difficult choices that translate into life the method is not as violent as standard human development in the crushed and forgotten minorities, mothers of ill or disabled children, left alone with their desperate desire for redemption, must be grateful to our thinking. They represent the best part, which continues to fertilize the deep layers of our social fabric, often distracted by false illusions and without that energy that only love knows creative control.
Paola Ricci Sindoni

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thomasville Bogart Contessa Table

Disorientation between ice cream and flags

A Connecticut Yankee at the court of King Berlù ... that is, no, the year was 1904, then the court of King Vittorio Emanuele III:

Very well. I saw at a glance That the Florentine paper Would suit me: five out of six of the ITS Were local scandals and Tragedies; They Were adventures of one's very neighbors, one Might Say Almost one's friends. In the matter of world news There Was not too much, But just about enough. I subscribed. I Have Had No occasion to regret it. Every morning I get all the news I need for the day; Sometimes from the headlines, sometimes from the text. I have never had to call for a dictionary yet. I read the paper with ease. Often I do not quite understand, often some of the details escape me, but no matter, I get the idea. I will cut out a passage or two, then you see how limpid the language is:

Il ritorno dei Beati d'Italia

Elargizione del Re all' Ospedale italiano

The first line means that the Italian sovereigns are coming back-- they have been to England. The second line seems to mean that they enlarged the King at the Italian hospital. With a banquet, I suppose. An English banquet has that effect. Further:

Il ritorno dei Sovrani

a Roma

Roma, 24, ore 22,50.--I Sovrani e le Principessine Royal is expected in Rome tomorrow at 15.51.

Return of the sovereigns to Rome, you see. Date of the telegram, Rome, November 24, ten minutes before twenty-three o'clock. The telegram Seems to say, "The Sovereigns and the Royal Children expect Themselves at Rome tomorrow at fifty-one minutes after fifteen o'clock." I do not

know about Italian time, But I judge it begins at midnight and runs through the twenty-four hours without breaking bulk. Following in the ad, the theaters open at half-past twenty. If These Are not matinees, 20:30 must mean 8:30 PM, by my reckoning.


25 of the Teatro della Pergola - (20,30) - Opera. Boh `eme. Teatro Alfieri .-- dramatic Dragon Company - (Hours 20.30) - The Law. Alhambra - (20.30) - Entertainment varied. Edison Hall - Grandiosoo film shows: Quo Vadis? - Inauguration of the Russian Church - in line at direct way - with great views of Florence move - America: Transport giant logs - Thieves in the house of the Devil - Scene comedy . Cinema - Via Brunelleschi n. 4 .-- extraordinary program, Don Quixote - Popular Price. The whole of

That is intelligible to me - and sane and rational, too - except the remark about the Inauguration of a Russian Chinese. That one oversizes my hand. Give me five cards.

This is a four-page paper, and as it is set in long primer leaded and has a page of advertisements, there is no room for the crimes, Disasters, and general sweepings of the outside world - thanks be! Today I find only a single importation of the off-color sort:

A princess who escapes with a coachman

Paris, 24 .-- The Matin from Berlin that the princess Schovenbare-Waldenbure disappeared Nov. 9. It would be playing with his coachman.

The Princess is 27 years old.

Twenty-seven years old, and disappeared - scampered - on the 9th November. You see by the added detail That She departed with her Coachman. I would hope has not made a mistake, But I am afraid the chances are That she has. Are Dispiacentissimo.

There are Several fires: Also a couple of Accidents. This is one of Them:

misfortune on the Ponte Vecchio

Stammattina, about 7.30, while sloppy, Joseph, aged 55, of Casellina and Towers, passed by the Ponte Vecchio, sitting on a cart loaded with vegetables, lost its' balance and fell to the ground, remaining with the right leg under the wheels of a vehicle. The sloppy

was immediately picked up by some citizens, who, through no public car 365, the transportation to St. John of God

There the attending physician's response to the fracture of the right leg and some minor abrasions judging curable in 50 days unless complications.

What It Seems to say is this: "Serious Disgrace on the Old Old Bridge. This morning about 7.30, Mr. Joseph sloppy, aged 55, of Casellina and Towers, while standing up in a sitting posture on top of a carico barrow of vedure (foliage? hay? vegetables?), lost his equilibrium and fell on himself, arriving with his left leg under one of the wheels of the vehicle.

"Said Sciatti was suddenly harvested (gathered in?) by several citizens, who by means of public cab No. 365 transported to St. John of God."

Paragraph No. 3 is a little obscure, but I think it says that the medico set the broken left leg--right enough, since there was nothing the matter with the other one--and that several are encouraged to hope that fifty days well fetch him around in quite giudicandolo-guaribile way, if no complications intervene.

I am sure I hope so myself.

There is a great and peculiar charm about reading news-scraps in a language which you are not acquainted with--the charm that always goes with the mysterious and the uncertain. You can never be absolutely sure of the meaning of anything you read in such circumstances; you are chasing an alert and gamy riddle all the time, and the baffling turns and dodges of the prey make the life of the hunt. A dictionary would spoil it. Sometimes a single word of doubtful purport will cast a veil of dreamy and golden uncertainty over a whole paragraph of cold and practical certainties, and leave steeped in a haunting and adorable mystery an incident which had been vulgar and commonplace but for that benefaction. Would you be wise to draw a dictionary on that gracious word? would you be properly grateful?

After a couple of days' rest now I come back to my subject and seek to homes in point. I find it without trouble, in the morning paper, a cablegram from Chicago and Indiana by way of Paris. All the words save one are guessable by a person ignorant of Italian:

revolver in theater

Paris, La Patrie has 27 .-- Chicago:

The guardian of the Opera Walach (Indiana), refusing to expel a spectator which continued to smoke despite the diviety, this backed by his friends' trucks or other revolver shots. The guard put down. He was born a general discharge. Great panic among the spectators. No injuries.

Translation .-- "Revolveration in Theater. Paris, 27th. La Patrie has from Chicago: The cop of the theater of the opera of Wallace, Indiana, Had willed to expel a spectator Which continued to smoke in Spite of the Prohibition, who, backed by His Friends, tir'o (Fr. tir'e, anglica pulled) manifold revolver-shots; great panic Among the spectators. Nobody hurt. "

From Google Translator:
Very good. I saw at a glance that the Florentine paper would suit me: five out of six of its scandals and tragedies were local, were the adventures of its neighbors much, one might almost say his friends. In terms of world news was not too much, but close enough. I signed up. I have not had occasion to regret it. Every morning I get all the news I need for the day, sometimes from the headlines, sometimes from the text. I've never had to ask for a dictionary yet. I read the paper with ease. Often I do not understand, often some of the details escape me, but never mind, I get the idea. I cut a step or two, then we see how the language is clear: The Return of the Blessed

of Italy

Giving at King's' Hospital Italian

The first line means that the Italian sovereigns are coming back - have been England. The second line seems to mean that widened the king at the Italian hospital. With a banquet, I suppose. An English banquet has that effect. For more information: The Return of the Kings

Roma in Rome, 24, at 22.50 .-- The sovereigns and the Princess Royal is expected in Rome tomorrow at 15.51.

The return of the kings in Rome, you see. Date of the telegram, Rome, November 24, ten minutes before 23 o'clock. The telegram seems to say: "The Sovereigns and the Royal Children are expected in Rome tomorrow for 51 minutes after fifteen hours."

I do not know Italian time, but I think it starts at midnight and goes through 24 hours without breaking bulk. Following the announcement, the theaters open at half past two. If these are not matinees, 20.30 20:30 must mean, according to my calculations.


25 of the Teatro della Pergola - (20.30) - Opera. Boh `eme. Teatro Alfieri .-- Dramatic Dragon Company - (20.30) - The Law. Alhambra - (20.30) - Entertainment varied. Edison Hall - Grandiosoo film shows: Quo Vadis - Inauguration of the Russian Church - in line at direct way - movement with great views of Florence - America: Timber Transportation giant - Thieves in the house of the Devil - Scene comic. Cinema - Via Brunelleschi n. 4 .-- extraordinary program, Don Quixote - Popular Price.

The whole that is understandable to me - and sound and rational, even - if not the comments regarding the opening of a Russian Chinese. What increases my hand. Give me five cards.

This is a four-page document, and as found in bottom along with lead and has a page of advertising, there is no room for the crimes, disasters and general rubbish in the outside world - thanks! Today I found only a single importation of off-color sort: A Princess

driver who flees with the United Nations

Paris, 24 .-- The Matin has disappeared from Berlin that the princess Schovenbare Waldenbure-November 9. It would be playing with your driver. The

Principassa 27 years old.

Twenty-seven years, and disappeared - scampered - November 9. You can see the added detail that went away with her coachman. I hope I would not have made a mistake, but I am afraid the chances are that you have. ARE Dispiacentissimo.

There are several fires: a couple of accidents. This is one of them:

misfortune on the Ponte Vecchio

Stammattina, about 7.30, while Joseph sloppy, aged 55, of Casellina and Towers, steps from the Ponte Vecchio, Standoflex Seated on the United Nations Barroccio Load Vegetables, Lost 's balance and fell to the ground, remaining with his right leg like a wheel under the vehicle. The sloppy

It was collected by some citizens, which, through the Public Car No 365, the Transport to St John of God

There the attending physician's response to the fracture of the right leg and some slight bruises judging curable in 50 days unless complications.

What seems to say is this:. "Serious Disgrace on the Old Old Bridge this morning about 7.30, the slovenly Mr. Joseph, 55, of Casellina and Towers while standing in a seated position on top of a barrow load of vegetables (foliage? Hay? Vegetables?) he lost his balance and fell on himself, arriving with his left leg under the wheels of a vehicle.

"Said he was suddenly sloppy collection (collected?) For many citizens, who through no 365 public car transported to St. John of God ".

Paragraph 3 is a bit 'dark, but I think it says that the doctor set the fracture in his left leg - right enough, since that there was nothing the matter with the other - and that many are encouraged to hope that fifty days well make fun of judging in a completely curable-if no complications intervene.

I'm sure I hope, too.

There is a fascinating and special about reading news-scraps in a language that you are not familiar with - the charm that always goes with the mysterious and uncertain. You can never be absolutely sure of the meaning of anything said in these circumstances, you are hunting for an alert and gamy riddle all the time, and the baffling turns and dodges of the prey make the life of hunting. A dictionary would spoil. Sometimes a single word of doubtful meaning are thrown a veil of uncertainty and dreaming of gold in the course of an entire paragraph of cold and practical certainties, and leave it immersed in a haunting and adorable mystery an incident which had been vulgar and commonplace, but that for charity. It would be wise to draw up a dictionary that kind word? Want to be properly grateful?

After a couple of days off 'now return to my subject and look for a case in point. I find no problems, the morning paper, a cablegram from Chicago and Indiana by way of Paris. All items except one are guessable by a person ignorant of Italian:

revolver in theater

Paris, La Patrie has 27 .-- Chicago:

The Guardian Opera Theatre of Walachia (Indiana), refusing to expel a spectator which continued despite a smoking diviety, NB All the ingredients backed by his friends' trucks or diversification revolver shots. The Guardian rest. A general discharge was born. Great panic among spectators. No injuries.

Translation .-- "Revolveration Theatre in Paris, La Patrie has 27 Chicago: The cop .. the opera of Wallace, Indiana, wanted to expel a spectator which continued to smoke despite the ban, which, backed by his friends, tir'o (tir'e P., Anglican pulled) manifold revolver shots;. No great panic among the spectators evil. "

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tourists. Cemetery beats Leonardo. After the unification of Italy Duomo

Monumental Cemetery beats the Last Supper. It seems incredible but the opinion of the tourists who exchange travel impressions on Tripadvisor, the most popular website for tourism worldwide is without appeal: in the ranking of satisfaction of the landmarks of Milan, behind the obvious first place in the Cathedral unexpectedly came to the monumental, appreciated for its quiet, the imposing size and the large number of works of art to visit the open air. The tourists and the curious world of reviews and still relatively little known in Italy, hotels, especially if they belong to large international chains, have long understood the importance of online reputation and are closely following the charts and the complaints from customers dissatisfied on specialized sites such as, often reporting directly to the fiercest criticism. As for the sights, however, the impression is that the reviews involving little. It might be a mistake, given that Travel choices are increasingly being driven by the information I got on the Internet and collected on the basis of
experiences of other tourists: in fact, visitors to the site Tripadvisor are 40 million every month. The rules are simple: as with hotels, anyone who visits a museum, church, or any interesting tourist area can rate it and write a review. The interpretation of the results is simple: removed are not easily satisfied, though many point out that something is wrong is likely to be true, and if something is wrong with the proceedings then in negative impacts on the attraction itself, whatever its historical or artistic value. Nobody, for example, between reviewers Milan discusses the importance of beauty or the charm of the fresco of Leonardo: what threatens the court system is simply the purchase of tickets, seen by many as a kind of scam, as one of the methods reported to circumvent the continued sell-out and managed to visit is to book a complete tour, paying nearly ten times the original price of the ticket. Other observations are based on common sense, and would be useful to listen to them: if in fact almost no one has anything to say on the Duomo, in many complain of the Square. In fact, many are those who, while recognizing the beauty, wonder how it is possible in a civilized country to be attacked by sellers that, with physical contact, try to establish bracelets or other items to place in the moments of greatest vulnerability for tourists: that is, immediately exit the subway or while in line for a show, all under the eye of the police disinterested . The advice to "save" are fun, the most popular is to get an Italian newspaper under his arm and shake his hand, saying "no" out loud. Given the evidence of the problem would not be better to do something, even at the expense of sales of newspapers? Scrolling down the rankings, however, the surprises are few: Brera languishes in the twenty-fifth place, outclassed dall'Ambrosiana (fifth) of where you appreciate the clarity of presentation, the variety of the museum and the perfect lighting. Rapidly rising but still little known Museum of the twentieth century, while the scale (fourteenth) is soundly beaten by the scale of football, in fact Giuseppe Meazza stadium, with its largely surpasses the eighth. But what is being done to "intercept" the needs of tourism internet? The Ministry of Tourism has wisely set up an innovation committee, directed by Edoardo Colombo, a young expert in "social network" to address these issues and also the City, with an initiative designed to monitor the Polytechnic Institute and coordinated by the manager Mirella Chieppa, is studying the phenomenon. Tourists thank you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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. So I said to the Holy Land in Bresso

Yesterday, in the city where I live, Bresso, was held early on, the ceremony to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the d 'Italy. There were all the authorities, associations of weapon and not a few citizens. I've been invited - on behalf of the local church - to bring blessing to the war memorial which has articulated the celebratory parade. I introduced this way:
We are also here we, in the words of the Italian Episcopal Conference, to express "the committed and responsible participation in ecclesial community event of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, in a spirit of sincere cooperation
for the advancement of humanity and the good of the country." In this perspective, I would simply recall a truth. The unity that we celebrate not only the land but the identity of values, including those that stem from a Judeo-Christian roots. Values \u200b\u200bthat belong to the 60 million Italians living in Italy, but also to the 60 million Italians living abroad, and among these there are many missionaries, even bressesi, of which some should be proud of. The spokesperson made in Italy, in fact, not only those in the political sphere / economic. Where the world is suffering - and even today the record compels us to think so - there is always an Italian hand outstretched. But these values \u200b\u200bare also offered to new Italians, who despite having different geographical origin have made Italy their home of choice. And, I know, you share only what is appreciated for itself. With this harmony of voices, from the one language, then pray the prayer that Pope John Paul II, Blessed next, he has written almost twenty years ago during the Great Prayer for Italy. One love, one of the Church to our nation, not so today.

O God, our Father, we praise and thank


you who love all men and all peoples

guide accompanies the steps of our nation,

often difficult but full of hope.

Fa 'we see the signs of your presence

and experience the power of your love that never fails.

Lord Jesus, Son of God and Savior of the world,

made man of the Virgin Mary,

we confess our faith.

Your Gospel is light and strength

for our personal and social choices.

your law of love will lead our community calendar

to justice and solidarity, reconciliation and peace.

Holy Spirit, love of Father and son

with confidence we invoke you. You who are

inner teacher reveals to us the thoughts and ways of God

Help us to look at human affairs with pure and penetrating eyes,

to preserve the heritage of holiness and its civilization

of our people,

to convert the mind and heart to renew our society.

Glory to thee, O Father, who works in all.

Glory to Thee, O Son, that love became our servant.

Glory to Thee, O Holy Spirit, you sow your gifts in our hearts.

Glory to thee, O Holy Trinity, who live and reign forever and ever.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Chilean miners saved

were in Jerusalem for a pilgrimage of thanksgiving Chilean miners rescued in October after being trapped underground for 69 days. The trip was organized by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism together with the Embassy of Chile in Israel. The miners have visited the holy sites of Jesus' life and also had a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres. "We have received many calls - said on his arrival Tel Aviv Airport José Henriquez, one of the miners - and to us is a blessing from God
have the opportunity to be here to thank the thousands of people who prayed for us while we were trapped in the mine. We hope that this pilgrimage - Henriquez added - help us to strengthen our faith and grasp the deeper meaning of these places. "

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Tourism in recovery. Spain is the main goal

Tourism in Europe is picking up. The Eurostat report, which compiled a report on the sector with the final data of 2010. "Last year - experts explain the institution Statistical Office - there were 1.6 billion of overnight stays in hotels and accommodations of the 27 Member States. "This is an increase of 2.8% compared to 2009, the year he had shown the worst performance of recent times . It is a slight increase in the number of nights spent in hotels in their own country by Europeans (1.1%). It grows more, however, the intra-European influx of tourists: people who have decided to spend
of holidays abroad, at least one night sleeping outside the home increased by 5.1%. Eurostat shows that the drop in bookings and tourism was highlighted in mid-2008, in parallel with the economic crisis, accentuated the following year. "Among the Member States, the largest number of hotel nights spent in the case of Spain (268 million nights, ie +6.4% on the previous year), Italy (245 mn, -0.8%), Germany (229 million euro, +5.5%), France (196 million) and the United Kingdom (166 million). The countries that show a negative figure, with the decline in tourist inflow, are Romania, Greece, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Italy. Agens

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many overcrowded houses in the EU27

EU27 42% of the population live in apartments, 34% in an individual house (or family) and 23% in semi-detached houses or " row. "This was announced by Eurostat survey on housing, which refers to the situation in late 2009 and which emphasizes the" significant differences between one country and another Union. "The research shows - according to Eurostat - a worrying element: "18% of the population lives in a house cluttered", counting the condition according to some benchmarks (number of rooms, number of residents, presence of children ....) In addition, "16% of the houses show moisture problems ", 7%
are poorly lit, 4% have a toilet outside the home, 3% of homes do not have a bath or shower. It also shows some peculiarities or curiosity: "The apartments are more popular in Latvia, Slovenia and individual houses in the row houses in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom." The problem of overcrowded households is particularly strong - in the order - in Latvia, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria. This problem has instead almost absent in Cyprus, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium and Malta. Agens

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Shahbaz Bhatti: ne doctor about his brother in Italy

"My brother Shahbaz has always fought for all in Pakistan, including Christians, could live their faith. He dedicated his entire life to it. I hope that his sacrifice takes to build a future of peace and hope for Christians and for all Pakistanis. " Is leaving for Islamabad from Treviso, Paul Bhatti, the brother of Pakistani minister for religious minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, killed two Wednesday
in Islamabad in March by an armed commando, close to the capital market. The attack was carried out in the morning by a group of masked men who ambushed the minister on the street. They pulled out of his car and opened fire against him, riddled with 30 bullets before fleeing in a car. Bhatti had defended bravely Asia Bibi, a Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy on the basis of false accusations. His Ministry had also set up recently "Interfaith cell", a toll against religious discrimination. After the killing of Salman Taseer, Governor of Punjab, who was also accused by Islamists of having defended Asia Bibi, Bhatti told the SIR they are "higher than the target" of radicals.

Bhatti was born September 9, 1968, in a Christian family (six children) from the village of Kushpur. After completing his studies, he began his political career in Pakistan People's Party. He worked closely with Benazir Bhutto, until the assassination of the Pakistani leader.

His prayer. His brother, graduated in medicine at Padua, specializing in pediatric surgery, lived six years in Treviso. He has taught at nursing school in Motta di Livenza and has worked in both hospital Ca 'Foncello that to Oderzo. Last September in Motta di Livenza he was reading the prayer for the persecuted Christians in Pakistan, during the Marian pilgrimage with a procession of the gift on the occasion of the Jubilee for the 500th anniversary of the apparitions.

A prayer that should have read their own minister, but returned home urgently, after meeting with Benedict XVI at the Vatican. "Mary, saves families and youth violence in Punjab and terrorism. We trust in God He is our Savior. Mary helps Christians of Pakistan to be a courageous family with people from unjust laws discriminated, persecuted and killed because of their faith. We expect only one place at the feet of Jesus Maria, is' always consider that the poor and forgotten in our lives. They are part of the body in need of Christ. Mother of Heaven, Miracles of Our Lady, Queen of Pakistan, pray for us. " So said Paul Bhatti, turning the square of the basilica to Our Lady. Words that are even more poignant today.

A life dedicated to freedom. "I saw my brother last month - said Paul Bhatti - when I returned to Pakistan on the occasion of the death of our father. I was worried about him, his commitment to religious freedom and to amend the blasphemy law had made him end up in the crosshairs of Islamists. That law is used almost exclusively against Christians. His proposals were being accepted, but the extremists have sent a strong signal of their opposition to killing the governor of Punjab, and so the changes have been detained. Shahbaz just wanted justice and freedom for all Pakistanis, particularly for religious minorities. " Agens

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Youth hostel: a model of sustainable tourism

E 'was inaugurated by Mayor Letizia Moratti and the Tourism Department and the city areas, Alessandro and Andrea Morelli Mascaretti, renovated the third floor of the hostel in Milan Piero Rotta Via Salmoiraghi, QT8 area.
Met the Mayor: "The hostel strengthen the vocation of Milan in low-cost tourism, tourism important because of attracting young people. We rely heavily on opportunities for the upcoming events that Milan, the largest gathering of the families the next year at Expo in 2015, to reinforce structures similar to this and to have more young people who come to our city to study, for fun, for work experience in companies and the attractiveness in design that Milan has always had more. "
"The new hostel modernizing a structure that was some time in our city with environmentally friendly materials
, photovoltaic panels, air cooling system, LED lights and the bathroom tiles that hold impurities, '" he said the mayor visited the 24 renovated rooms with the cover and the outer coating with a budget of € 850 thousand of the City, owner of the property, and other available dall'Aig 700 thousand euro, the Italian Association of Hotels of Youth, which deals management.
Renovation work of the first and second floor of the hostel it is now, by 2013, the company Expo.
Then, Moratti concluded: "This is the first work in which we worked together, communities and societies Expo. The city has renovated the third floor, which is already operational, and revamp the Expo first and second floors. So An initial joint work Expo and the City of Milan. "