(from right) Brosel Don José, Don Mario Lusek, Crusade Mariano Bishop, Don Massimo Pavanello |
Yesterday Archbishop Mariano Crusade, Secretary General of the CEI, celebrated at the Fiera di Milano S. Closing Mass of the 31st edition of the International Tourism Exchange. This is the homily.
By this Eucharist of the Lord back in the day to thank the Lord for the gift of life and faith of our Church to be, thank you for the opportunity to travel, meet, meet, but also the goods that we have , starting with the same kind. All live as God's gift and an opportunity for good is what we can discover and learn new to this celebration. In
this sense, that particular type of tourism which is the pilgrimage, which combines the discovery of the nature of countries and peoples, the encounter with the multiple Christian religious experience in time and space, makes a decisive contribution as a gift to learn to embrace the beauty and grace that is given to know. Necessary above all that we pass by the attitude of users the rich, consumer narcissistic attitude of responsible and active users of goods to be valued and not to waste, spoil, drain. This is the meaning of the theme this year at the International Tourism Exchange: "The nature Hail, Hail nature. Tourism and Biodiversity.
Bible readings were proclaimed that light up our whole life and this meeting point for the promotion of tourism. We also feel we played by the expression of the reading of Isaiah that says: "Ear has not heard, no eye has seen a God besides you, has done so much for those who trust in him" (Is 64.3). Truly the Lord has done so much for us.
But we complain we too, like the prophet, which is why we have the Lord to be angry because we were sinners and "we have become like unclean thing '(64.5). There is a personal aspect in this confession, that everyone can recognize a measure of how his conscience reproaches him, but there is also a social dimension, a form of shared responsibility which is the source of so much evil around us. Yet even in this condition we, together with the prophet, do not lose our trust in God, but we call upon him, then as Jesus taught us: 'You are our father "(64.7).
we must trust in God our Father, who alone can make us righteous, and therefore capable of repair and return the evil by doing good. By faith in him we are purified and become capable of good. This is what the Gospel says. The healing of two blind and dumb is a made possible by faith in the power of Jesus' confidence in him and the recognition of its power ("Do you think I can do this?" Mt 9:28) opens the gate, creating space effective action of Jesus healing and save.
We also need to open our eyes and loosen our tongue, we need to re-learn to see and speak to see God work in our lives and in history, to utter words of wisdom, true words, words well. You can not buy the view and the word without meaning to, to desire, seek, above all, without you can not believe. So it was for the miracles of the Gospel, so it is for us. The real miracle So, rather than the view or the word retrieved, it is faith, faith that opens in a new way of living. And the new way of life is the fraternity as St. Paul teaches us today: "Everyone should not seek his own interest but that of others" (Phil. 2:4).
This new way of looking at the world and life also affects our relationship with the natural environment. Our celebration is a good opportunity to rediscover our responsibility towards the environment for the benefit of all mankind: to know and respect nature in its diversity is a colorful way to express our civilization, a sense of gratitude for the goods innumerable which is littered with our life in this world, to help safeguard a healthy and pleasant for others, to maintain and deliver a healthy and friendly environment as for future generations.
Our responsibility as believers is great, because we have the opportunity to recognize the ultimate foundation of our life and everything that makes it beautiful, but also the ability to recognize the causes and responsibility for what clouds and the threat ' human existence and social life, especially the possibility of redemption and new beginning that we acknowledge and accept by faith in our Lord Jesus Never miss our work, together with the commitment productivity, attention to other dimensions that make it heightens the experience of travel and discovery of worlds, stories, experiences, and that is the gratitude, openness, contemplation.
+ Mariano Crusade
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