The beatification of John Paul II will be "a great ecclesial event," divided into five phases. This was announced by the Vatican Press Office today. The first event is a vigil of preparation that will take place on the evening of Saturday, April 30 (20:30 to 22:30 hours) at the Circo Massimo in Rome, and will be organized by the Diocese of Rome referred to Pope Wojtyla was bishop. The vigil will be led by Cardinal. Agostino Vallini, vicar general of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome, while Benedict XVI will join spiritually through a video link. The second moment is a celebration of the beatification, Sunday May 1, in Piazza San Pietro
beginning at 10 am, presided by the Holy Father. Participation is not regulated by individual tickets, but access to the Square and adjacent areas will be under the protection of Public Safety.
A third time, says the note from the Vatican press office, is provided with the veneration of the remains of the new Blessed open to all believers the same Sunday, 1 May, immediately after the beatification ceremony. The remains of John Paul II will be exhibited for the veneration, which can be carried out until exhaustion of the stream of the faithful. So, the Thanksgiving Mass is scheduled for Monday, May 2, at 10.30 in Piazza San Pietro, and will be presided over by Card. Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state. The burial of the remains of the new blessed in the Vatican Basilica, at the Chapel of St. Sebastian, will then privately. The details of the various stages will be announced later by the offices concerned. Agens
A third time, says the note from the Vatican press office, is provided with the veneration of the remains of the new Blessed open to all believers the same Sunday, 1 May, immediately after the beatification ceremony. The remains of John Paul II will be exhibited for the veneration, which can be carried out until exhaustion of the stream of the faithful. So, the Thanksgiving Mass is scheduled for Monday, May 2, at 10.30 in Piazza San Pietro, and will be presided over by Card. Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state. The burial of the remains of the new blessed in the Vatican Basilica, at the Chapel of St. Sebastian, will then privately. The details of the various stages will be announced later by the offices concerned. Agens
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