Updates 7:10 hours of February 2, 2011:
So far no one has contacted me, however, two visitors from the town have read. Surely with very little attention seen that on average they read for 1 minute and 13 seconds
Much concerned, fortunately, seem to be those of ASL have passed here in 4 and on average they devoted attention for 3 minutes and 18 seconds
See bottom of this page in the latest findings and developments.
Yesterday, January 31, 2011, the association of area 9 in Milan in the square of the scale showed the lack of action against a municipal government dropping to pieces their own schools.
Sometimes even with the lack of security for our children.
A representative of the institutions are facing is:
This morning, accompanying my children at school (via Dubrovnik 5) I noticed once again the filth of the sidewalk of the school. To think that in the same school there is also a center of the ASL.
If this is the cleaning and care shown there is little to worry.
not only wish to leave the school building. Even cleaning the places of access to schools in Milan are at the limit of decency, let's say out of decency.
missing passion for things well done. Where is the dedication to the things that you deal with? It is not just an economic problem is basically a laxity.
A man from Milan tells me the trouble of Milan, Milan is the dirt due to lack of gatekeepers. The municipal regulation states that the building should take care of your sidewalk.
On the video shot this morning on the sidewalk of the school of my children.
It 's a sidewalk that is there to witness the state.
Going to the office I see that someone still sidewalks cleans them.
So what are we waiting for? To whom this state of affairs that did not need millions of euro of investment and is solved with zero €?
PS: I sent mail, and possibly also invite you to send addresses and report, to: Chairman of the Board
Zone 2:

city councilor school assessore.moioli @ comune.milano.it
Health Department lombardia: @ luciano_bresciani region. lombardia.it (via Dubrovnik is home to a fifth structure of ASL)
Below are the changes and updates:
hours of February 2, 2011 14:40 : Reply via Email dell'assesore Moioli:
Dear Mr. Laterza,
in reference to your e-mail history, to request a
timely intervention of the AMS, I ask you kindly
to know the exact location of the platform for which it is necessary to ask the
that intervention. Sincerely Dr.
Mariolina Moioli
hours of February 2, 2011 15:11 : Experiences of theatrical anthropology Answer regional health Luciano Bresciani, turn to city councilor (?) Cadeo:
is transmitted to As to jurisdiction, the report received from Mr.
Laterza. Sincerely
Special Secretariat
Councillor for Health
Regione Lombardia
----- Forwarded by .............. 02/02/2011 15:08 Regione_Lombardia the
evening of 2 febbriaio 2011: it seems that the pavement is cleaned. We see the light of day ...
meantime I am reminded of a joke in his film Troisi: God's ways are over: Troisi and Duce
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