Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wrinkles In Projection Screen

First School Council School buildings pole 23

I state that this is not the minutes of the meeting but a personal account.
The minutes will be posted in schools.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 was held on the first school board convened by the PO of the pole 23 by order of the day:

President Election, Election addition, entries, and any other business

should attend the meeting the representatives of the boards of area 2 and area 9. I'll try to contact the presidents to understand the reason for the absence. E 'was stressed that the funds which local councils have turned to the schools were small.

Before proceeding with the agenda was made a point short of the votes of 27 November 2010 relating to representation on the school board of the components: teachers, parents and staff.

The mother of the pole 23 had a turnout of parents average 6.6%. The school children of Ragusa has distinguished itself by a high turnout. The results will be posted in the coming days. Accredited at the nests no parent has voted. But I knew that there were the votes?

I regret such a low turnout, incidentally there was little interest in it was noticed by very few applications from parents.

We proceeded to the election of president (a parent) and seal (both parents) and was then passed to the description of the news about the new entries as shown on the site of the town of Milan.

The municipality of Milan has taken on December 31 163 educators over 50 (or 60) support teachers. In truth, these numbers disagree with those reported by the newspaper articles cited in the article: the-common-di-milano-takes-165.html

The pole 23 school, except a home, is now covered for DOA.

He mentioned the difficult situation which occurred at the school Ragusa, 10 January 2011 to return from vacation: -building school and teacher-milano.html stressed strong emotional distress when they found the children on that day and the next. With regard to an answer given to a mother type ... is a public service, so ... management has taken the opposite position and believes that public service must be the best possible. Perhaps in the excitement has been misunderstood. (Bah!
The fact remains that the phrase was heard in the negative by the parents and was not expressed nor by educators nor with auxiliaries)

A parent asked why they do not resort to cooperate in the management of troublesome times for the school. This proposal was rejected, after the present discussion, since it is contradictory to speak of privatization in the context of public management. The totality of these considered that the direction to go was to plan the best possible service by educators. The same educators who, through their constant presence are the reference points for children.
Instead, what is already going to cooperate in some schools, is the work done by support staff. The only representative of the support staff was absent for disease. The school
Ragusa said that in his own school there is a very good cooperation with the staff. Result of agreements that have managed to do in the past with the representatives. Other schools vorrebero pursue this path of dialogue to get the same kind of collaboration

E 'was submitted and voted on by all, except one abstention the motion on the Charter of services:
view of the fact that the City Council approved both "Charter of services of nurseries" and the "Charter of services in preschools, and found that the same are not yet available to users,

the Department to make public immediately the two charters to allow those who register or re-enroll to view it, enrollment, and understand what benefits are provided, in what manner and by what standards quality.

last proposal will be prepared with an outline of a map of the work to be done on the structure of the pole with particular regard to safety interventions.
meeting came Thursday, February 10, 2011.


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