Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nikon Quick Charger Mh-23 How Fast?

proposed educational initiatives

The fundamental principle should be freedom of the pupil, because only freedom allows a development of events spontaneous, already present in the nature of the child. The child must understand the difference between good and evil and the teacher's task is that the child does not confuse being good with immobility and evil with activity. The aim must be to create a framework for the activities, work, good, not for immobility, passivity, obedience. The framework must emerge from the freedom we do not consider an individual disciplined rendered silent as a mute and as immovable as a paralytic, if so he is an individual annihilated, not disciplined. We believe that a disciplined individual is master of itself and capable of regulating itself when it is necessary to follow the rules of life. We can not know the consequences that will have to have stifled the action at the time the child is just beginning to be active: perhaps suffocate life itself. Humanity shows itself in all its splendor during childhood as the sun at dawn and the flower show at the time unfolds its petals and we must respect religiously, reverently, these early indications of personality.
The Montessori method - 1912]


What shall we do representatives of the institution ?
Pending the appointment and a formal communication that does not arrive I thought what might be the most effective action that a parent can do in the role of representative institutions. Access to the budgets, control of expenditure items, the school building to see how public money is spent in schools attended by our children. Require the repair of a ceiling, a broken tile a bathroom that features a non-harmful, it is certainly important and necessary. But our children will remember this? Broken tiles that will affect the education of our children? As our children learn?
educators are the most important subjects. Their presence and attention I believe are the most important things. In the assemblies of class we were told that at the end of December 2010 there were new arrivals. Let's hope so, hoping that the new wave of educators is to give a hand to educators already. The municipality announced that it has hired 165 educators

So I think the most important of all are the teachers, the quality of their presence and quality of activities in which our children are involved.
on the conviction that without resorting to large sums, even at no cost but with so much passion and commitment to parents and educators, we can take effective education programs.

How could it happen? It may be gathering the ideas and communicate.

- The use of YouTube, for help several times to find inspiration. For a song in English, could help much the availability of a movie in its original language.

Let's step back. We are in Milan the Italian city's most technologically advanced (?). The schools our children have access to the internet available to educators?

sent here to or blog your suggestions to my e-mail and best wishes for 2011.


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