Friday, January 14, 2011

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John Paul II blessed May 1

"Today's enactment of a series of decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, including one concerning a miracle attributed to the Servant of God John Paul II opens the way to the final step of his beatification, which will take place Sunday, 1 May 2011, Day of Divine Mercy: it was said today in the Vatican press office, the director p. Federico Lombardi. From the moment of death, it's been 6 years, 1 month and John Paul II has surpassed the equally rapid cause of beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, that lasted a month more, that is 6 years and two months. "The cause of beatification of John Paul II - said Fr Lombardi - has followed the process and had provided only two facilities: the first is not to wait the 5 years after his death, in the light of the exceptionally popular and waiting for the great reputation of sanctity. The second facility consisted of a 'fast track', which made it possible to advance the cause itself as the documentation was completed and evaluated, without having
follow the 'tail' of these other causes. " "All the steps - however stated p. Lombardi - have been done with care, without discounts, just as they stood at the heart of Pope Benedict XVI, who, as everyone knows, is very demanding in this area. "
"The reason for the choice of Sunday 1 May - then underlined p. Lombardi - is linked to various aspects: first is the second Sunday after Easter, when we remember that the appearance of Jesus at the Last Supper with an open heart and when it instituted the sacrament of penance. E 'then a particularly significant day for John Paul II, because April 30, 2000 was the canonization of Sister Faustina Kowalska and the proclamation by Pope John Paul II Day Divine Mercy for the whole Church. " "Two years later, in 2002, the same John Paul II dedicated the sanctuary Guadielski, where he had lived Sister Faustina, a sanctuary of Divine Mercy and had given the world to Divine Mercy. On that occasion Pope John Paul II had proclaimed the prayer of entrustment of the world to God the Merciful Father. P. Lombardi stressed that from now until the day of the beatification of May 1 there are three and a half months, "a time which should be sufficient to prepare the city of Rome to welcome the many pilgrims who will be present."
"In the basilica of S. Peter started the preparatory work in the chapel of St. Sebastian, in the aisle right after and before the mercy of the SS. Sacramento where it will be passed on the coffin of Blessed John Paul II "means the said p. Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, talking to reporters at the briefing today announcing the beatification will take place on Sunday 1 May. "The coffin - he said - will be transferred by the Vatican Grottoes under the altar of the chapel of St. Sebastian in an enclosure on the plate will be simply written in Latin, 'Blessed John Paul II'. Before the transfer, there will be another translation, that of Blessed Innocent XI, whose coffin is under the altar of St. Sebastian since 1956 and which will move the altar of the Transfiguration, also in the basilica of S. Peter ". P. Lombardi said afterwards that "it is not yet known on the day of the liturgical memorial of Blessed John Paul II. Usually - he said - the date is announced on the day of the beatification. "


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