Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Met Life Maternity Disability
A party of tourists stop at the edge of a magical city. It's time to say goodbye. Exchange between mobile phones, addresses, emails, remember, the heart is already on the way home. Basically we are just tourists.
doodles on the margin of a sheet of notebook travel remains a glimmer of vision. As if the trip could be resumed after a brief pause, the time for a coffee or a season. But the first drops of a thunderstorm, we bathe the face, bring us back that gleam of vision, they give us in exchange for the smell of wet earth.
Clouds on the horizon (unknown islands) slide up and down hills. A white cloud looks dark in the mirror of the street smiles, forget it.
in Florence until the end of the nineteenth century high walls, sometimes formed by the same houses that overlooks the Arno, stood along the shore, and hid from view the river and the opposite side of town, and from here, Perhaps the psychological origin of the term Oltrarno, as if to signify another place, another city. Only when Florence was capital of Italy, in 1865, formed the current lungarni (seventies), that changed forever the vision of Florence and the relationship with the river of Florence.
Only a few years before Mark Twain admired the view from the bridges of the Arno: "We did stop on the bridges and admire the Arno. It is a great river, steeped in history, four feet deep, and crisscrossed by some barges going up and down . It could plausibly be called the river if we pump into the water. These blacks and bloody Florentines call it river, and think that it really is. They maintain the illusion by building bridges over monuments. I do not understand how not be able to look with objectivity. "And then you lose the alleys of the old town, and runs through the town all night. A stranger in a strange land. Alien as the Lakota Indian in front of the fresco of the Triumph of Death in the Cemetery of Pisa, a few years later.
Beef Strip Loin Steak Broil
The deformation of a story always derives from a partial reading of this, and this is also true in the figurative. A classic example is the transition from figurative to abstract in various coinage of a gold coin minted between 359 and 336 BC under Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great. This coin on the obverse a head of Apollo crowned with laurel, rendered in profile, and on the reverse a chariot. The coin features a design source the figurative "compact, and sensitive to the quality of organic matter in the modeling of the face as well as in almost metallic rigidity of laurel leaves." (Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, Hellenism to the Middle Ages, Editori Riuniti, 1978, p. 183). The Celtic peoples of Gaul were in contact with the Macedonian coins and imitation. "But they were soon introduced variations: the head loses its character as a representation of divinity, in reverse, the chariot, attack foreign to Gaul, was replaced by the familiar scene of a mare with her foal, above a banner: the winged dragon of Gallic military insignia. " (Or p. cited, p. 184). With each new coinage are witnessing a transformation of natural elements. Bianchi Bandinelli rejected the simplistic explanation of inability formal craftsman, he noted that the first stage of the transformation of the image (in this and other examples) is "the dissolution of form in natural elements connected to each other" ( op. cit. p.185). Each element then undergoes independent transformations. The end result is a composition of geometric elements completely abstract. But before we get to the abstract there is a generation of great reasons, crickets, oddities and fabulous monsters, dragons heads and legs, which were only waiting for the dissolution of the greek-roman representation to re-emerge in the viability of a medieval fantasy, where the shell (nautilus ) is the generator of monsters, of fabulous animals, or newspapers. And "if it is found on a mountain, there was created by the constellations. Leonardo da Vinci still attests the existence of this law, "(J. Baltrusaitis, medieval fantasy , Adelphi, 1997). The fossil shell is something alien from another time, another place. Build a strong sense of disorientation, as if, for example, father Christopher, between cries of hounds and dogs, grunting, flatulence and bloating of a number of old sgrullo servant, and witty ciacole of two good boogers at the door of the hut of Don Rodrigo, was finally introduced in the sight of the magnificent lord, Captain Nemo .
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Does A Woman Always Know When She Erect
America. One afternoon a mild October of 1886. On the land of long shadows and long knives were only boys and girls, dressed in light summer clothing, painted with the colors of eternal Pontormo. They live happy and glorious day, swim and dance, play and laugh and flirt all day, and when night comes they hide, such as children who are afraid of the dark, inside a circus tent of maternal Buffalo Bill.
Lakota are defined, and are vegetarians (But not by choice), rather fruttivori, in fact, just eat exotic fruits colored with the colors of Rosso Fiorentino, and drink pure spring water, in cups of white opaque glass. But, despite the diet fruttivora and absolute faith in a maximum Pavese (Hard Labor) Lakota no or almost no one, comes to old age, and why? Oibò, is easily explained, because they dig all around, hang out and look for the yellow metal, in black and oil pans, ugly and hairy monsters albino. They are called (the Lakota) Wasichu . The
Wasichu are not vegetarian (it would be asking too much to Divine Providence), and indeed have just devoured the last paired bison sacred to the Lakota. Lakota also tear if the priest whose turn distracted eyes enough, only just enough to exterminate all of them (a good Indian was a dead Indian.)
But a band of Lakota was taken that year by Wasichu beyond high water on a fire boat, up to a huge city, and it was London. Grandma prepared pies and tarts apricot for boys and girls Lakota. Grandma was small but fat, and liked it immediately because the Lakota was good with them. The Lakota danced in his honor. Then my grandmother said something like, "I sixty-seven years. Around the world I have seen all sorts of people, but today I saw the most beautiful people I know. If you apparteneste me, do not let that get you around in a performance ( * )
But the circus goes on the Grand Tour for the cities of Europe. Imprisoned in an evil spell the Lakota arrived in Manchester and there are lost in a forest roads and brick houses. Three Lakota and they lost their boat fire. Back in London, and like a dream come to Paris. A girl falls in love with Wasichu one of the three, takes him home, introduced him to his father and mother. The girl Wasichu learned some words in Lakota. From Paris, the three went to Germany, from Germany came to a place where the land burning has always (no one knew how to turn off the fire). " There was a high mountain, which ended in the shape of the tent, and there was burning. I heard that long ago a big city and many people had disappeared in the earth, in that place . "(* )
then returned to the Lakota home, but perhaps first visited the Cemetery of Pisa. They stopped in front of the fresco as any tourists in the Triumph of Death. They saw the three stages of the body after death. They saw the medieval dance macabre. One of them will in future be a shaman will see the hell of snow at Wounded Knee. The images of the dead were dancing the charge that the West Christian paid to the Bodhisattva. The nine stages of decay of the corpse in Buddhism were: (1 ) livid face, (2 ) swollen body, (3 ) swollen body, (4 ) body rot, (5 ) the body is prey of worms, (6 ) the body is green, you see the skeleton is stained with blood, (7 ) skeleton in anatomical connection, (8 ) broken bones, and scattered in dust; ( 9 ) just an old tomb in the middle of the vegetation, and nothing but drops of dew on the grass.
The seventh stage is a rite of passage facing the shaman in the world Eastern and American. So they returned to the Lakota
home. It immediately began to dance for the regeneration of the world, by the end of the world, the advent of a new land. A dance that lasted for days and nights. It was the so-called Ghost Dance Religion of Western historians.

few years later, beyond the great water, in a town called Milan, soldiers with guns and shoot guns at a crowd of forty thousand people (mostly women, children and old) were protesting against Double the price of bread. It was a day of May of 1898.
( * ) Black Elk Speaks , JG Neihardt (Adelphi, 1983)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
30s Funny Birthday Invite Wording
first afternoon of a day in December, between Mount Morello and Pian de 'Jesters (it must be said? History repeats itself). The center of the city is locked in a grip of iron, machinery unleashed, led by vesciconi swollen, march in single file slowly Trespiano. snowing a white sky lime 'a way to eat! , and here everything stops, like an insect in amber, like a crystal of ice. He stopped the tram and the tram stops, they stop as well as trains, planes and stop in midair, and people sleeping on a chair at Peretola. People defeat, there's little - now - waiting undone at the tram stop, think if you gentlemen would take ATAF even once on a Tramm perhaps understand something, but what crime have they not have the power of the shamans of make it snow and the sun to come, or the power of changing the cars of scrap iron in vesciconi swollen left to rust in a meadow in the suburbs, where once lived the "Greeks" and the chickens. They can only multiply the tram lines, and changing the routes as they wish. They have to fight piacciconi Lamentone and who do not pay the ticket, as well. See a city council young-young old-old promise severe punishment in the case of course the case for case, if anything. See the mayor scrapped a city of scrap iron and craters in the streets to get their hands on falling (touch of color: the tie has sung on the gums).
Lamentations, lamentations only.
Tourists quit, seek, giggling, and taking snapshots for the Lord. V'avvenga anything like this, you who passes here! Here are the ambulances at the trot for torregalli for Careggi, CTO for the gay wankers for Santa Maria Nuova, for Monna Tessa, wherever it happens to happen. Florence extends his hands, there is not any to comfort, surrounded on all sides by vesciconi swollen gall is as unclean thing: this is the city that people called a beauty perfect, the joy of the whole earth? All your enemies open, a hen's ass (due to the snow, wind), the mouth at you, whistle, grind their teeth, they say we have swallowed, so this is the day we expected, we arrived, we see !
O wonder of wonders, it is snowing, and anyone had expected. Shut up, the astrologer caxo!
The poet returns home on foot, and sings: you're
But you, why stay?
Another winter will be back tomorrow
more snow will fall in the consular field
more snow will fall on the cemeteries.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Increase The Range Of Ir Remote
On November 14, a parent sent to the e-mail: @ FSP.InfanziaEducative06 comune.milano.it
The letter is given below:
_____________, __________ Hi I have a little girl
child attends school in Via Ragusa.
School as you well know is composed of four sections of children aged
heterogeneous classes are attended by about 25 children per section.
this for my daughter is the third and final year and this year we are in mid-November and
displeasure known with the following outages:
1) of section two teachers are only a few hours of coexistence (which generally
also coincide with the meal), every other week then one of two teachers
service begins at 12.30 to cover the round of 18.00.
2) the DOA is in school few days a month because
used by management to cover staff absences in the various complexes in the cluster.
I read with amazement that the site of the City, the page of the operation of preschools
still indicate the presence of a teacher in every three sections
more precisely to encourage and enhance the educational project.
In three years I have always noticed the presence of the educator at Via Ragusa
only as a substitute for any member who is absent.
3) we are in November and has not yet been assigned the teacher of religion.
4) is not even the only project that began two years is proposed:
hour of English with a specialist.
I wonder, therefore, that proposals can meet the teaching and educational
teachers with so many children of different ages, alone for most of their service
? Why
envisaged figures in more when in reality, these resources are used to make up for the absences
If the entries are made in January / February (with the consequent
choice of religion) as ever in mid-November there is a professor of religion
I have the sad feeling that you save our children ..
confident of an answer Best regards
_____________ _____________
Sunday, December 5, 2010
How Much Cake Mix Do You Need For Round Cake Pan

remains of that time the few images in black and white ... impressive. They seem to go back to the old shops, which is only legend, the Etruscan city of the dead.
Image 5: a workshop of the old center of Florence, Florence capital (1865-1870) , U. Fish, 1904.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sock Hop Birthday Invitation Wordin
report a site that I discovered today and he had a small comfort to know him first "This is the site of elected councils of parents of school childcare services offered by the City of Milan. " http://www.lamaternachevorrei.it/
For those who are preparing to leave for primary school children, a little taste dell'ambientino exists. The parents' response to the letter sent to them by the mayor and Experiences of theatrical anthropology that "whiteness" describe the educational situation: http://carigenitori.blogspot.com/.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Swot Analysis About Disco Cafe
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Milena Veiba Free Moves
Public below decalogue Federica Biasin one of seven candidates for parents of school children of the pole 23
1. Enhancement of educational staff
The quality and continuity of the relationship with the teachers are very important in a school that has a heart the needs of children and who wants to accompany their growth with organic design and a stable reference points. In recent years, however, the number of people involved in the care of children in fact continues to decline.
should instead: *
respect the numerical relations (2 teachers per 25 children in the timetable under 9:00 to 4:00 p.m., and 2 teachers for every 20 children in the section if you have a child with disabilities) throughout the day and for all year. The ratio should be in front report daily and must be respected at the time of formation of the chambers and not obtained on the basis of the average number of children attending single days;
* cover so the total organic the first day of commencement of activities
* give the teachers in each school "1 to 3, assessed on individual schools and the educational direction, for schools with two sections, and those with odd number of sections, assign teachers wildcard upwards and not down (eg school sections with 5 = 2 assignment of figures "1 to 3);
* you replace the absent teachers with rankings on educational directions;
* enhance the training and retraining of educators; *
in every choice of reorganization and replacement of teachers, give high priority to educational continuity for children.
2. More resources and attention for children with disabilities
To ensure that all children with equal dignity and equal opportunities to education and socialization, are convinced that different cognitive pathways are a treasure for everyone, we ask: *
reinternalizzare support service for disabled children, with trained staff, all day and all year round, from the first day of commencement of the educational activities and ensuring timely replacement in case of absence
* give high priority the educational continuity, both vertically and horizontally, with a guarantee of the place and the section membership for the year of welding (required in all or almost all cases for children between 5 and 6 years who delay entry to primary school);
* verbalize the parents-teachers meetings for the drafting of the IEP (Plan Individual Education) with a constant update of the situation, built the advice;
* once the documentation submitted, that requests for additional documentation or determination of ASL (except in the event of significant changes) subjecting the child to unnecessary stress ;
* ensuring compliance with the rules and procedures in place by schools and professionals involved.
3. Enhancement of multi-ethnic and intercultural school
paths to facilitate mutual understanding of different cultures and promote integration and to make possible and effective family-school relationships, we ask:
* set up in schools the figures of the mediators and facilitators of language;
* provide information in different languages;
* create curricular projects that emphasize cultural diversity as a richness and at the same time, introduce the richness of interculturalism as a value in itself, regardless of presence of children from other countries;
* create an observatory for study and comparison with the best practices of other countries in Europe and beyond, on the issue of multi-ethnic school and the different experiences carried out in this field;
* allocate resources specifically aimed at projects of this type.
4. Enhancement of the support staff
salespeople are involved in the relationship of care for children, with specific tasks, such as the reception at the morning and coaching in the bathroom, and cover some tasks necessary for the proper functioning the school. Their role is less clear in recent years, while the number was at least halved.
ask about: *
increase the number of committed and review job descriptions, with the involvement of PO and educators, to avoid potential discomfort for the child (dirty toilets during the day, children who can not sleep because no one is held to set up the cots, etc.).
* EO leave the possibility of establishing some specific tasks to support staff to meet the needs of the facility.
5. Attention to the quality standards of the outsourced services
The outsourcing of many services, which are essential to everyday life in schools, provides a strong commitment to quality control of themselves.
why we ask for: *
award of contracts for external services with reasonable time (at least 60 days before the start of the operating contract), to allow the structures of winning contracts to search for, select and train operators;
* define the professional profile of the operators, their evaluation criteria and eligibility standards and quality of service must ensure that the external structures for the duration of the contract;
* produce a systematic method to assess a priori, for each individual school, the number of people and time necessary to perform the requested service;
* implement sanitary controls on operators and on the regularity and respect of contracts of employment;
PO * set up joint committees, educators, parents, support staff and representatives of the cooperatives to assess and monitor the effectiveness of all outsourced services, including special procedures and assessment grids.
6. Maintenance and overcoming the degradation of school buildings
The shortcomings of the structures to provide preschools are numerous. From the most serious (Eg asbestos on the covers) to the most popular (eg, clogged drains, sub-standard facilities).
To overcome this situation of deterioration, we ask:
* increasing investment in the maintenance of buildings and furniture (toilet, doors, windows, roofs, drains, etc.) and simplify the process for awarding contracts and management by the technical departments of area
* improve the maintenance of outdoor spaces (floors, great games, etc.). and workshops;
* write a manual that makes clarity on who the interlocutors of the Administration and / or co-operatives outside contact for the individual problems of maintenance;
* evaluate the possibility of direct management of the maintenance by the PO, with a special portfolio available;
* allocate more economic investment to bridge the gap in the regulatory changes regarding the removal of architectural barriers, the safety measures in buildings, remediation asbestos and for emergency response or in response to orders of the ASL,
* PO and involve the teachers in the design of spaces in new buildings or refurbishment and maintenance of existing ordinary and extraordinary;
* respectively, possibly not always the minimum levels, the ratio m / child spaces available, also taking into account the particularities facilities (eg schools without a garden / outdoor areas need more space available within the school itself).
7. Major initiatives of the organization to the extension of educational service
the light of the needs of families, social work, ask about: *
time to organize the activities of summer camps, with clear and transparent and with a communication to the families of the management procedures of the personnel employed and designated premises, in reasonable time (February / March) *
periods not covered by the calendar school provision for access to contracted external initiatives that meet the organizational needs of working parents (eg campus in agreement with the many sports facilities such as Lido and Saini, or cultural, as in Forest City, the area) as is for children in primary schools.
8. Higher quality 'and service control of school meals
's meal, and then the service provided by Milan Restaurant, is an important time for children. In order to be managed in the best way possible and to enable parents to make a contribution very useful by the Boards Mensa, ask the administrator control and a more effective contribution, or ask you to: * encourage
Milan Dining drafting of the Charter of Services;
* prepare, together with Milan Restaurant, an updated handbook, for Use of the Boards Mensa, which has indicated its role, duties, rights, duties, and which, above all, the powers of the City of Milan and Food and the names and addresses of contact persons and persons responsible for both entities;
* effectively monitor the quality and timely service provided by Milan Restaurant, independently compared with the controls from Milan Restaurant same;
Quality Circles * create the ISO reference, involving parents, educators, Milano Restaurant, ASL, pediatricians area, representatives of the institution to deal with issues concerning the service and develop proposals for a solution and draw up the statutes and rules and procedures.
9. Creating an effective school medical service
To a greater and more effective presence of ASL in schools, we ask:
* enhance the health service provision of childcare;
* create moments meeting between health care and families to improve the effectiveness of communication on health issues and strengthen the community health education with courses involving school, family and pediatricians of area
* request the SLA to include other health screenings for children (eg, audiometric and postural) and manage them directly;
* time schedule information and training for education staff and families to prevent chronic diseases of various kinds, in cooperation with area pediatricians;
* require the use of ASL Doctors and health workers to administer lifesaving drugs or chronic diseases for children during school hours.
10. A transparent and timely communication with parents
We believe that families and schools are not two separate areas, but they should know how to integrate to promote harmony in which our children can benefit as they grow.
The basis is need for a more effective communication between administration and families. So we ask: *
be informed, through structured communications (warnings shouts, to meet a scheduled basis, etc..) And in detail the progress of the school: eg. staff shortages, changes in staffing, maintenance, changes in the management of services, cultural activities and information, log on to English or religion, information on School Councils and the elections, etc.
* be able to provide our comments, observations and feedback, both through advice school directly as individual families, with agreed terms (meetings, periodic questionnaires, dedicated mailboxes, etc..)
* to speed up procedures for new elections of the Board of Education, intensify the meetings of the Board of School and return value and decision making on the institution, but also expanding the opportunities for interaction with the Administration and by providing parents elected spaces and providing structured interaction with other parents;
* time for families to communicate important information such as the school calendar, the ranking of entries, the possibility of transferring from one school to another, the offices of summer camps, etc..
Monday, November 22, 2010
Camera Adapter Iphone
Tuesday, 23/11/2010 Tomorrow ends the "electioneering." Of our 23
center of Milan, two schools of children have parents who are not candidates.
Saturday 27 November 2010 from 8 to 18 you vote for the election of parent representatives on the board school. They can vote both parents. The place where parents vote will be announced by Wednesday 24.
Parents are 23 candidates for the Pole: ________
Nicola, Alberto ________, ________ Raffaella, Federica ________, ________ Pamela, Luca ________, ________ ________ Matilda ________ Antonio
Some schools do not have any parent as a candidate.
Our intention is to represent all that well, and then invite you to participate in the voting, please keep in touch by reading the blog:
asking the 'enrollment in the closed group of facebook: infanziamilano .
We believe in a school with the democratic participation of parents in the definition of educational pathways.
We believe that parents can make a strong contribution to the climate because we believe that the school reflected the noblest that educators can receive is not cheap but admiration of children and their parents.
We believe in a school that despite the economic problems can be excellent.
Parent Promoter: Laterza Antonio
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Podziękowanie Dla Dyrekcji
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Disney Clocks Instruction

Today, as specified on page 10 begins the "electioneering."
Yesterday, a teacher was sick and the classes were merged exceeding the maximum number of children required by law.
I could not miss today and will set out leaflets.
Photo source
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dental Insurance Elimination Period Meaning
I'm running as a representative of parents in school governing bodies.
father of two children are attending school childhood Ragusa.
I am applying because I believe in a public school and democratic where you will participate in the training needs of our children. I commend the school public offering freedom of choice and participation is completely different from a private school where the main freedom is freedom of spending.
My intention is to stress the urgency of the arrival of two new teaching staff. E 'heard that a frieze of Milan that is capable of building skyscrapers of concrete from the enormous cost, which spends money to light the streets of distant lands, savings on the educational needs of primary schools. As you have heard that a public school loses more pieces and a private school funded by public money.
I believe in a school where parents, pupils (per hour through their parents), teachers and those who work in schools in determining a participatory-democratic lines to follow and which sounds the alarm when, as in these days, there is a resignation, there is another way.
You can contact us at antonio.laterza @ gmail.com
This leaflet is published on the same blog space http://infanziaragusa.blogspot.com/2010/10/candidatura-organi- collegiali.html open on this occasion is a way to make contact and continue to collect public views of all.
Grinsandgiggles Baby Wash
Dear parents of all school children in Milan to attend Candidat the management of the school children of your children. In
this page you will find the municipality of Milan regulation.
It 'important to know that the presentation of the list of candidates should be made by 12 noon on November 4, 2010 (page 9 of the Regulation). Just communicate with teachers.
For schools to children up to 300 children collegial bodies are formed by parents 4 - 4 educators - a support staff.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
More Fertile Post Pregnancy
Stefano Fracasso, director of Vicenza Democratic Party, said the stop sign in the Regional Council proposed new allotment Resources for Health Authority. "The stop - says Fracasso - is a cause for concern. Indicates that the tangle of the hole in the accounts of health care is difficult to manage even for those who scored a high approval by voters and can rely on a large majority in the Council. Why stop the obstructionism of minorities did not come from either a stop of the directors of the majority, but directly from the team of Councillors who Zaia has given her confidence, and which in this case seems to have become hostage instead. In yesterday blocked a proposal by the Government, the ASL Vicenza is assigned a 2.7% of resources in more than 36 million €. The hope is that the legitimate interests of the Vicenza area, which has historically been penalized, despite a more efficient management of healthcare budgets, there are now once again sacrificed by Zaia compromises necessary to obtain consent from his own Government. Perhaps the vote of confidence, rather than against the Council should invoke its own colleagues in the team. "
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pokemon Frıgo Returns Indir
Who complains to Carthage in flames? who has condemned the assassination of Caesar? I think no. Caesar, in fact, is everywhere in the market, there is probably also a line of sponges and soaps with her name. Today, presenters and presenters s'immusoniscono and indignant (and not a pretty sight) all day on TV for the ogre uncle, Embee? be ', the problem is that there is also a mayonnaise Orco, and directors the Italian company's marketing needs to turn and not a little ...
and Presentations TV (not to mention the opinion doc) because this lack of imagination, this absolute lack of tact for lovers of good food? The monster call him uncle or uncle Leopold adolfo table or uncle or uncle rubber, so no shortage of examples in recent history the human race.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Halle Berry Catwomen Hair
The positions of the PD school, agriculture, taxation, small and medium enterprises, transport and mobility, local autonomy, federalism, immigration
publish the documents that were discussed and approved by the National Democratic Party 8 and Oct. 9, 2010 school, agriculture, taxation, small and medium enterprises, transport and mobility, local autonomy, federalism, immigration. Each paper was discussed by the Commission, that produced a report with the summary of discussions .
→ look at the future. Ten proposals for school tomorrow
• Summary of
→ grow in the future. Proposals for the Italian agriculture
• Summary of
→ For a thorough reform of the state and self-
• Summary of
→ Tax 20, 20, 20 as the road map to free the producers, the progressive, federalism
• Summary of
→ learn to live together
• Summary of
→ Mobility
• Summary of
→ Thinking to grow the small to the large
• Summary of
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Chicken Wing Cost Wholesale
receive and publish
Good evening,
do not know who reads me and still find it useful to write for a long time because I do not know where to find people who give me un'po 'courage and share with me a very sad period in terms of economic and political.
am a woman of 45 years and I'd love to give confidence to a group that I hear from my hand, as women workers, employees and employee for 28 years or so, which is an unstable and precarious work.
Life becomes continuous uncertainty, anxiety daily € 1000 per month and take it is humiliating when you consider how much dedication you have in the workplace, without a little satisfaction.
Sure, as long as they say ... 'there is health .... but health is not just physical!
Someone is wearing out, but who? Who defends us??
I am ashamed to be Venetian and Bossi see on TV, I'd love to hear and see someone who says we are, we are also present to respond to your problems,
your concerns, we present for your future and that of your children.
The labor problem we solve it this way: 1, 2, 3 .... suggest, we try to achieve, we arrive at the bottom of the problems and return to the surface .....
Where are the politicians? The men who speak in the streets, giving concrete, giving confidence??
Everyone has his own world, no more contacts, more stimuli.
too, in my small circle I say I have a job, a small, non mimanca nothing. The other is that
but my children? And my grandchildren, if there are? And the Italians??
What a pity! I like to think of my childhood, the Unity party, I like to think that it would be nice to believe that people, so many people together, they win.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Brunswick Zone Homewood
About remake, that is, copies or photocopies or clones. Review a movie after forty years I do not say, I say twenty years, but just two years later (in brackets which is also the title of an album of Frank Sinatra) can have two functions, or profiles. One is the
meeting of the nostalgic film, more often than a television series, Star Trek classic example, which are found together because they want that time to go back, to the legendary eighties, seventies, sixties ... fifty ... forty? The other is the meeting of old comrades of the third Z, during which it is good to recall the lost time because we know that will never return: no one thinks that you want to go back, you're just reciting their Longtemps je me suis couché de bonne heure (whatever that means, but I am copying Eco) and tasted each other in their speeches madeleine soaked in nell'infuso lime.
Be ', in short, last night I was there who silently a madeleine soaked in an infusion of rosemary (also called arromaniu, gusparin, Osmar, rosemary, romarin, rosemary, rosmaren, rosmarinu, rosparein, sgulmarin, stammerino, tresmarino, trisomarino, and usmaren zipiri, infusion of 1 gram in 100 ml of water, excellent for coughs and a stiff neck, also used as a mouthwash to gargle two or three times a day) when I run into an advertisement of an Italian film that is a clone of the North Down Dany Boon ( Dany Boon). This spot is usually a nightmare but this is worse (a metaincubo?). A director of the Italian "is forced "to leave the California (we see him embracing a signpost that shows the northern end of the beloved land par excellence) and moving to a village south of Caliente, to work ... A commendable film, director, author and character actors precarious local workers have usually refrained from telling the South, including garbage and Camorra mafia, which the telly has become rather a cliché as the pelican in the oil.
A beautiful film of arcadia and Italian metaphysical (wheel to follow the split, I've already put aside euros).

Live and let live, however, let us a little 'case, the DVD of the original films are almost always out of stock! E so I got to the crux of the post (strange, I could have ended there with the euros and instead am still a bit '). Looking dell'introvabile DVD (out of print), the wonderful Danny Kaye Walter Mitty (Danny Kaye ), but his clone volgarotto and italic - coincidentally - is there, and monstrously prohibited of Dreams Paolo Villaggio ( Paolo Villaggio).
Sorry for the echo.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Snot Coming Out Of Eyes
Arzignano, the town where I went Friday night to talk about immigration and citizenship, has become famous in recent weeks for an episode of direct plug tax evasion: according to the prosecutor's investigation of Vicenza, estimated that businesses in the area - mostly tanneries, have stripped the state more than 300 million € of VAT. Arzignano League ground is, of course, as well as the nearby Montecchio Maggiore: all places where elections are won with a loud cry against migrants and by invoking respect for the law. Probably this is a story of escape impressed me so much.
To understand where lies the boundary of a land law in the Northern League, just take from that point to a direct outlet sentence of ex-president of the local football team to 5 (Arzignano Grifo was the champion of Italy in 2004 and in 2006) he never said anything to the tax: "I had to declare, but I forgot (smile)." "You made the total tax dodger ..." "Overall, yes," "How do you feel?" "Quiet! I have not killed anyone, eh! I mean, I have neither killed nor raped or raped and then ... She cracked in the end I did a little 'escape, But ... I do not see a crime so serious, really! I've always been one who tried to live well ... because I have to live badly? I live only once. " Because of these tax fraud, the person in question (Andrea Ghiotto, in the video above from the minute 7:26) is no longer president of the team, which changed its name and was relegated to C1. And that's probably more hurt that the local community: tax evasion is not the first thought of the day, but rather the safety and immigrants. And so, on the security chapter, the local government has been unleashed, so to send a letter to all the girls in the area: from now on, it says, on Saturday evening you can exit without problems, because there will be a police patrol to watch over you. Had never been violent, Arzignano? No, but you never know: it is a "presence of deterrence", as stated in the message of the mayor. The same applies to the elderly who have to go to collect their pensions (do not worry, from now on there will be a patrol and so on) and well, that's incredible, for the assemblies of the building, which - I quote the newspaper in Vicenza - " meetings are always high voltage "and remain" the presence of a policeman in uniform, remember that the value of laws and regulations. " One of the major problems in the last period is the collection: in the summer were fined 11 people who threw garbage in the wrong bin, and since 5 of them were foreigners it is open season on immigration. So much so, in July, the Mayor and Alderman for Security said they will send to the Minister of Interior, a black list with the names of foreign offenders, so as not to grant them citizenship. Not to be outdone, is working to do even Montecchio Maggiore, which the junta has approved a resolution to redefine the parameters of the residential accommodation: if you live alone you need 28 square meters, in two it takes 41, 60 in three in four 70, five in 82. Several immigrant families had got into difficulties: some have just had our third child and had to sell her house of 78 square meters to avoid being kicked out, there are those who can afford it and if not - if you do not win the action brought by the unions - will have to leave the country. For his sake, of course: in the land the League, as the president of the Griffin, evil is not just allowed to live.
Friday, October 1, 2010
How To Restore Chrome Kitchen Chairs With Rust
Panta Rei os potamos (from the greek πάντα ῥεῖ), translated as Everything flows like a river is the famous aphorism attributed to Heraclitus, but in fact never expressly stated in what we know of his writings, in which the philosophical tradition next wanted to identify briefly the thought of Heraclitus with the theme of becoming, as opposed to the philosophy of Parmenides' own (from Wikipedia ). Yes, always when I run in technical Heraclitus, Parmenides and associate professor in the school deputy Third Aristotle excluded before the eco-friendly coffee maker, cappuccino, coffee and barley tea, still I remember a film in mind wanders fifties, simply titled The Blob. against a black sky of slate washed with soap and water method and patience and a brush head of a looming American hero, here plays the role of a brave but simple-good son of the province, yet frowned upon by myopic local law enforcement, a police veteran. Thoughtful hero, hero smoker in secret, without the green light with his machine (I do not think license plate was 313), front - and forever like a dream - to one that screams spitting saliva famo'nagara (curiously this is also the name of a Japanese Formula One driver at the time of Patrese). However, this is not the point, the protagonist - in negative - the film is an amorphous alien being inside a crashed meteorite, which broke the crust (alien crust), slowly is committed to swallow everything that runs screaming in front (which is four, two and three feet do not care), and in practice is the blob, or as better known in Pistoia pillotto. Well, Mr. Pillotto swallows everything and more, is constantly evolving, in the sense that it is becoming bigger (not fat, thick), yet does not flow, is a rather amorphous mass of red gelatin on living alien (maybe a communist? ). Mr. Pillotto does a caxxo from morning to night, not even secrete a hard material (a shell color), do not worry about anything, or may not be a decorative object for him is not a problem, change into a tool to hear the waves?, imagine ... The blob is at the base of the evolutionary ladder, and his place in the food pyramid I fear it is right at the top, right on the head by Zach Havash (did you mean Zahi Hawass thanks gooogle, much obliged). Pillotto is the oldest elementary school in Moses basket, resentful of Brutus, the oldest of Noah's drunkenness, probably also the oldest of the Rex.
His magic kingdom is a cinema of a country town on a warm summer night ...

That pure American brother
Dull-eyed and empty-faced
out of the cinema and slips one night in early summer of the year one thousand nine hundred.
Night might have been one of the many nights in the summer of that year between the years of lost light.
But a poster for a horror film and fiction is out there from the cinema, imitates (or plagiarism) another poster of a film made history (not in the catalogs of DVDs), Forbidden Planet. Film produced and distributed by MGM in 1956, the writer was inspired by a story by Irving Block and Allen Adler, in turn, free interpretation in the sci-fi drama The Tempest by William Shakespeare. The film is set in the XXIII century, tells the story of the rescue mission of the ship C-57D, live on the planet Altair IV, which had landed on, twenty years earlier, the spaceship Bellerophon. The planet is desert, endless, it seems almost devoid of life, the only human beings are Professor Morbius and his daughter Altaira. Morbius tells the captain of the tragic fate of the members of Bellerophon battered by a mysterious force of nature, and how he was able to escape thanks to the discovery of the technology of the Krell, the ancient inhabitants of the planet mysteriously disappeared millions of years before, in one summer night. Krell technology was capable of generating enough energy to the needs of the entire planet with only the help of thought amplified by a machine. Under the silent on the planet surface extending to a depth dizzying Machine silent, autistic, sometimes a light goes on, the machine recorded the flight of a bee around a flower, the slow unraveling of the clouds in the sky.
the car was the last vestige of the ancient civilization of the Krell, the city with the majestic towers of shining metal no trace was left on the soil of the planet, and there were no pictures of the Krell, one could fantasize about their appearance by observing the shape of a door Krell.
Think of a large triangle with the vertex at the top but the sides of which, before reaching the base, bend angle and also in a manner skewed toward the base. The Summit was about two feet off the ground, and the maximum width of the room was up three. ( * )
Morbius was subjected to a machine support, able to develop intellectual capacity in children Krell late, and was able to increase his intelligence to the point of deciphering the ancient language of the Krell and build a robot capable of synthesizing any substance, natural or artificial, from dark chocolate than milk, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola caffeine free, from the pieces of glass to natural diamonds, barley coffee from sustainable coffee. Robby, the robot that was his name, was endowed with extraordinary strength but still bound by an Act more striking, the law forbade him to do harm to any human being, by Silvio Berlusconi in the Third Aristotle excluded, including.
The captain of the petulant insistence to convince Morbius to return to Earth are inevitably precipitate events, and shake the plot of the story. One night a mysterious invisible to visit the interior of the spaceship and performs an act of sabotage. The next morning a footprint of the creature is derived from the plaster cast. The cast, which was filled with joy at the heart of mystical Physiologist, but also painfully pierced the side of Darwin with a plug, because doubts and misgivings in the minds of the medical board.
Love that envelops the Captain and Altaira Morbius seems to get angry over that mysterious power of the aggressiveness of formless creature. The attacks on the ship one after another, ever more violent and angry. Finally, after a final attack on the ship the creature chooses to hit the big target, Morbius's house, where they are holed up, along with the professor, the Captain and Altaira, it was decided to leave the planet to follow the beloved. Robby, the only active defense against the creature, mysteriously refuses to attack and autofulmina. The three take refuge in the laboratory, protected by impenetrable metal doors of a Krell. While the creature is delving into the Krell metal door, which take hard as a stick of butter Krell Altair's left in the sun in a summer afternoon, Morbius is chased and stabbed by the ruthless application of the Captain, who understood the true nature of the monster (no more shapeless), thanks to the sacrifice of the medical board, hidden , curious as a monkey (or cat) or any scientist worthy of the name or researcher in search of the name, it was referred to the machine support will permanently damage the brain, it is true that curiosity kills the cat this time is the medical leave us a hand, but not before revealing the truth to the Captain. So Morbius discovers that the mysterious creature exterminator Krell civilization had been generated by their own desires unconscious and beast, and amplified by the machine materialized. Poor Krell exterminated in one tragic night in summer, by their nature and animal unconscious repressed and forgotten, like a flower between the pages of a book, in the bottom of the bottom of my heart from their wild ancestors. But there is no longer just about Krell Altair, the professor retorts triumphantly to the Captain, then how to explain the presence of the monster? The captain shakes his head, Morbius is not yet able to face the terrible truth: the monster that killed the crew of the Bellerophon and is now about to enter the laboratory to make them into small pieces is the stuff of dreams and nightmares of the professor. Morbius is the demon of the door.
That night the humanity of that time, light years away, was saved by the courage of a single hero, the solidarity of all (including the back) and also from the cold. All lost in the flood way.
Today, we are much less gullible than people in those days there (before the flood), here we stand at the traffic lights, under un'uggiosa autumn rain, dreaming of the summer, with the raindrops that slip over the umbrellas.
( *) WJ Stuart, The Forbidden Planet , Urania Mondadori, 1977, pp. 105-106.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Vintage Decor Wholesale

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Producers Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Spray Tan Compressor Gun

The Emperor - so he says - he sent to you, to an individual subject to a put, a shadow lost in the farthest away from the sun imperial For you, the Emperor sent a message from his deathbed. He made the messenger to kneel by the bed, whispering in his ear the message, and pressed so that if you have repeated ear. With a nod has confirmed the correctness of what was being said. And before all those who attended at his death (all the walls were demolished to prevent it and the stairs that rise high and wide in a circle are the largest in the kingdom) in front of them all has dismissed the messenger. Trial was immediately set in motion, is a stocky man, tireless, or maneuvering with one or the other arm makes its way through the crowd, if it impedes Pointing to his chest on which the sun is marked, and carry it more easily than anyone else. But the crowd is so huge, and its homes have no end. If he had the green light, outside, as would fly! And listen the wonderful shots of his hand on your door. But instead as you get tired in vain! still trying to make inroads in the innermost rooms of the palace, he will never overcome, and although he would not succeed at anything, it should open the way down all the stairs, and even if successful, would not have anything: we still have to go through all the courtyards, and behind them the second building and so on for millennia, and even if you were to rush out of the last door - but that never ever will be - there is all the imperial city in front of him, the center of the world, filled with all its waste. No one can go from there, much less with the message of the dead.
But you're the window and dream when he arrives in the evening.
F. Kafka (The construction of the Great Wall of China)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Mercer Infection Flesh Eating
A link found on the net for a living writer (in Italy?) And an ordinary film, in fact there is already Dvid.
I copy the link from the post two quotes from the novel:
"I'd do it all sea \u200b\u200b... But if someone is allergic? "
" The fish? I do not see! "
" Come on, is not nice! "
" And the fries? "
" There must be! "
" It's a bit 'raw ham? "
" There must be! "And
bit 'Parmesan? "
" There must be! "
Then there is the book called Olympia and wonder of a man called Giles:
" Egidio. What kind of name. But who is one of the thousand BC? It 's a name too old . " Notwithstanding that
I've never read Moccia, the title of this post might suggest, to some readers mischievous cat to cat litter (maybe that was to be appalla), especially when connected to the title the title of my previous post. Thurber I even read a story (1) on paper ( The age of the writers in modern The uomoristi , Garzanti 1971). But it is not. Because I want to break a lance in defense of humor perhaps unintentional but still present in Moccia, like in the films of Dario Argento. Unfortunately
Carpenter or Argento is not Moccia is Thurber: the two they have never thought of and now it's too late.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Easy Grabber Usb Driver
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Floating Hernia Symptoms

Toh, two simpletons on the rooftops of Paris. One of them is a British airman "generic", while the other is a "specialist" in the art of mixing colors and paint brushes and brushes with the walls and the facades of the houses. It 'just a brush (and not with a brush), held firm and light in hand, the painter, that morning from just 9 in one day this summer, touched and retouched the surface to be painted without a smudge of color. The painter was in the balance, suspended from a hoist, precision and determination, and in the case painting a grid of green quota. The work did not stop for up to look around and also down below, where history, including uniforms and rags hanging Aryan, he stood, like a polished black stone asleep on the bottom of a mountain stream, waiting not a salmon or a trout but a nientepopodimenoche obergruben any fuhrer, now ninety senior sbrodolone. The pike is generic, since it landed by parachute on the head of the painter French ( A) to be rescued by the painter, ( B) be accompanied to the Turkish baths (at that point, answered the desired A and B, the painter might also extricate the pleasure of smoking a Tuscan cigar and call the airman Ishmael or Melampus). The specialist is called Augustine (or Agostina ), the generic name escapes me now (so is a generic). The two friends are strangely es'incoraggiano each other in seeking an escape over the rooftops of Paris (the city is Paris and not just Peretola is proved by the Eiffel Tower - coordinates: 48 ° 51'30 "N 2 ° 17 '40 'is like writing Verne - visible in the distance). As they passed over the roofs of all the Germans put down the bottom gin cotton-eyed, not having dell'imbianchino, cares much for the German occupiers (we have one at home or on the radio by vocia millenovecentotretatre), but because see them (the generic and specialist) so close and yet so distant neighbors up there high above the rooftops of Paris.

Well, by and saw the two fugitives from a useful loft and there descend, then down the stairs of a building, intending to lead the roadway. Running down the sixth floor and then the fifth. Grasping the railing of the first flight of stairs that leads to the fourth (There would also be wanting a lift but is ignored by the two, because the plot) the two Germans hear the sound of boots that tread the steps of the first flight of stairs on the ground floor, an unpleasant noise that makes them give up by the landing ground floor, what to do? stay forever on the roofs? be ', and climb the first flight of stairs leading to the sixth floor of the apartment door opens and out of the fifth girl worried about a possible German round (cares for others and also to the neighbors), both the see and see the door open and see the salvation at hand this time and not the foot, and go down and come inside the apartment.

The two fellas just mumble a few words and will be saved. All safe, even with cloning animals, and the rest is history ... that is a French comedy ( Three men fleeing , 1966). Will remain a mystery as the representation basted then and there or there to here or there for a family scene of a quarrel between husband and wife, the Airman poised on the roof of the lift, can confuse and derail the attention of and rational beings so superior as were the Germans of the past.
Well, who does not have dreamed of looking out the window of a train rumbles that runs a summer afternoon, to descend to the first station and after a few meters into unfamiliar streets in a doorway of a house, go from room to room as if it were our own. Case ends of the earth, houses around the corner, hidden by a wall of houses garden. Case yet unknown family homes as the last safe haven or first (depending on your point of view).
He took a deep breath. "I'm back," he said.