As time goes on! Just yesterday it was 1865, and Florence was the capital of the United of Italy. But the Florentines were not quite as spiders, that the descent of the Piedmontese sparked a great and memorable for those times, speculation. Took off the rents of the houses (and since I'm not more terrified). Tenants, urchins and assorted riffraff found themselves all day under the beautiful bridges over the Arno. But he thought the Town Hall right to enter into a contract with the society built workers' houses (and producer of tallow). The company set to work, pulling up overnight over 3,000 rooms. Now leased by the average middle class families. They played the upright pianos from those rooms to the whole mainsail, with a background of crickets of the Cascine. And while the engineer Poggi sharpening his knives. Many shopkeepers in Turin ran to grab the best spots of the center, as the Chinese now, not ever (or would like Topo Gigio, but what about that?! ) that these were French, European, b ', certainly at the limit maybe Italian. They vanished as the "pouring soups", the "Canova's wine ", the old shops with the door raised the low wall on one side, with green shutters covered with big nails, and the bolt which brought together through the doors to twist from side to side. Then of course disappear even the Old Market , but we're almost at the threshold of the modern age.
remains of that time the few images in black and white ... impressive. They seem to go back to the old shops, which is only legend, the Etruscan city of the dead.
remains of that time the few images in black and white ... impressive. They seem to go back to the old shops, which is only legend, the Etruscan city of the dead.
Image 5: a workshop of the old center of Florence, Florence capital (1865-1870) , U. Fish, 1904.
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