buried across the road between two ridges of hills, muddy, rocky, deeply furrowed by rails, which, after changing into a rain gutter, and in some lower parts s'allagava whole, which would could go by boat, or so he wrote Manzoni, and in the mud and stop passing things, people and animals here such as a white ox that pulls a cart, with white hats dappresso four porters carrying a sedan and a white-haired old man nearby is dragging a trunk equipped with four wheels and creaking down the road there is a shepherd behind a herd of sheep (also white), a pilgrim from the black heart is directed to the Holy Land, but for now it is sitting on a stone and rests. The ridges of the hills draw the outline of a lost city, possibly Etruscan, from which, an extreme offshoot branches off what remains of a wall and a source with a water tank muddy, or perhaps hide the ridges of the vertebrae and limbs of a blue dragon. At the edge of the sky sparse trees are on guard to warn the dragon of the invisible presence of a white tiger yawning and stretching, just behind the hills. It 'a landscape that even distantly resembles that place lost in the labyrinth of memory, quiet, green and shady arcade forzisti grandparents once dreamed of being Italy-Magic, is a rather barren landscape, a man-made time and time eternally crumbling, apparently chewed up and spat upon by generations of barbarians, bums and barn owls in habit. Landscape littered with ruins and remains of an extinct civilization, the ruins of countless centuries have taken the color of the earth, semiaffioranti between the stones and herbs that grow wild in the fields are just unsure of stumbling to the pilgrim and the haggard farmers. The figurine
moving the trunk, then that is his home and his shop (and who has not dreamed at least once to see the world in caravans), wheels squeaking Habakkuk is called, is a jew junk, most of the old cuckoo. Refers to an object or a living being that is as old as the cuckoo when it is very, very old. E 'can use the cuckoo as a touchstone for dating an object or living being: a coffee grinder, a sewing machine to handle, Habakkuk. Note well, this way of saying is only used in a pejorative sense, if not pejorative. It can not ever say a Commodore 64 with 48K of RAM capable of generating the graph of a sine wave wire after only fifty minutes of calculation that is as old as the cuckoo, but an old 486 PC certainly yes. A similar reasoning applies to a living being: the dog is incontinent of neighbors, the mangy cat's aunt, the octogenarian professor clear, and so on are classified as old as the cuckoo.
A question arises at this point to mind: How old is the cuckoo? E 'can be found on ebay a cuckoo used but still in good condition? And how to recognize a cuckoo from a vile imitation of the original, only the price hexose? Or there are objective parameters, rational, a rational-list to types of cuckoo. And the hands-on experience helps? Like the one that allows, for example, to distinguish at a glance a porcini mushroom that seems to be a grade to the layman but it is not. Already, there are poisonous chumps?
To answer these and similar questions must be, first, clear up misunderstandings, and too tough to die as old as the cuckoo: The cuckoo is not an object, the cuckoo is not a living being The cuckoo is not an animal or a plant. The cuckoo is a mountain, or rather was a hill, or rather was a hill on the outskirts of Florence, in Oltrarno. Shortly after the mid-fifteenth century, on the slope of that hill, called precisely Montecucco, was built by that Luca Pitti, apparently designed by Brunelleschi, a building that from then on was always known as Palazzo Pitti, despite the many changes of ownership ( Vittorio Emanuele II also lived there). It could be said that Habakkuk is at least as old Palazzo Pitti. But you can go even further back in time. It seems that Luca Pitti did weigh all his authority to obtain the necessary permits for the building of his palace, he could not live otherwise. In that time of the Renaissance incipient lack of affordable housing was already considerable, nevertheless Luca Pitti demolished the houses that existed on Montecucco. Homeowners are invited to bring their bundle of four plums (another way of saying) and clear, had neither a reward nor a new shelter, which took the field here is a custom, as old as the cuckoo. The ruins of these houses are, in fact, the terminus post quem for dating our coffee mill and the neighbors dog, and the Pitti Palace is the terminus ante quem the cuckoo. We can definitely dating
Habakkuk the High Middle Ages, before the cuckoo. A que
'steps, a small steep path, stepped on shore, indicating that other passengers s'eran made it a road' fields, says Manzoni. And those fields down three fugitives screaming as if you ride or 3 mountain bikes used mountain bikes: a fat man, a mercenary of the Nordic countries and a young boy living in a neighboring village just went on fire. They ran against the old pawnbroker and her already shaky now arciconvinto to end his days in front of a baptismal font full of water over mud, for the avoidance of doubt it is locked to the old key in his trailer, but the three figures out to be pleasant, although a bit 'wild, sellers of trinkets. What we sell and what to buy the junk in those days there? At least a head with legs protruding from snails and strange beasts silk shells and the song of a siren trapped in a shell, and then plants and zoomorphic faces of the moon and bat wings and ridges of the dragon and monkfish, maybe a sea turtle's carapace, the front teeth lost by children in school in a school year, crabs and spiders (both live and dead) in abundance, herbs, medicinal herbs, Bach flowers, lice, nightmares and demons with angel wings and devils and demons cynocephali trunk of an elephant, a stuffed platypus, the skin of a tapir, the skull Polyphemus, a Sicilian, stones of lightning, the treasure map of Theodoric, the dentures of Attila, the leaves of the Sibyl, a prism, lenses and old to see far, carpets and rags hanging, Ming vases and penthouses, hats pyramidal , a rabbit in the cylinder, and tarot cards, statues of Buddha, jars of honey, acacia and mysterious creatures of the deep sea fish and preserved in glass jars filled with alcohol, their heads in good spirit of the emperor Trajan and entire worlds inside glass balls, rocks zoomorphic, the horn of a unicorn, a ciocorì, mildew stains on the walls, the pool with a fountain, a handwritten copy of the Bible and some mummy of a saint, grubs and beetles, butterflies black and Polynesian masks, dusty emu eggs and chicken Mugello, eggs and a parchment square with the authority to assign the title and feud bearer thereof.
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