The following is an editorial signed by Filippo Rossi appeared in the magazine Farefuturo, a foundation linked to Gianfranco Fini, which speaks explicitly of "guilt" and "wrong" by some Italian right, which was unable to raise its head in the face of the most shameful acts of Silvio Berlusconi. The most popular comment is "But if you notice this only now?" moreover, the misdeeds of our chairman of the board are there for all to see, however, this editorial could really be a watershed that will be in Italy to create a European right, secular and liberal with which you can (finally) a serious political discussion?
hoping that Berlusconi was not portrayed as enemies, but ...
It is not a political issue:
now, it's a free choice
Filippo Rossi We thought it was a simple political debate, the comparison between two ideas of the center. We felt that it was a normal dialogue between different ideas, different options, complementary leadership. We sincerely believe that everything could easily slide into the channels of internal party democracy. It was a confidence that came from a certainty grown over the years: Berlusconi was described by the Cayman antiberlusconiani by profession, was a leader Berlusconi atypical but liberal, Mr Berlusconi was not one of "Bulgarians edicts" of course, Berlusconi had many personal and business matters (how many we could list) but it was a leader with a dream, a lucid madness Berlusconi, in short, was not as describing his enemies. And is based on this certainty that we have defended for years, hoping in his ability to fly and become a great politician, a statista.Adesso everything changed and nothing will ever be. Because no one can convince most that Berlusconi does not coincide fully with its most striking and dramatic caricatures. No one can convince most that Berlusconi does not coincide with the dossieraggio and blackmail, with the lie that it becomes an instrument to attack the opponent and possibly destroy it scientifically. No one can convince most that Berlusconi will not eat dazed and stupid propaganda, slogans, and songs of sir by idiotic commercials. But time will not even try to convince us. And, unfortunately, thought is the past events, the edict against Enzo Biagi, against Daniel Luttazzi against Michele Santoro. Our thoughts turn to guilt for not understanding before, and wanted for failing to raise his head. And now that the edicts touch closely, it is all too easy to change your mind. Today he is right who says why do not we have thought of before? There a response that did not include a hint of shame. A shame, however, now provides the silence, the repetition of an error. We thought that everything was just a political debate. Wrong. It is much, much more. It is a question of civilization. Democracy. And freedom. Perhaps the biggest questions of us, requiring a difficult choice. Mind you, then this does not prevent the "political" does not prevent to take responsibility for getting agreements to govern the country. There is talk of nothing else. There is talk of something more. Because what we have seen in recent times, including records of expulsion and vulgar attacks on the institutions that seem designed as a property private and not public good, international relations and of questionable taste killeraggi media, not to mention the ethical issues turned into party propaganda, here, all this proves that there is a cultural gap first. And that choice at this point is whether or not to stay on the side of a policy that can be said truly secular and liberal. August 19, 2010
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