Saturday, August 28, 2010
Laparotomy Scar Ovarian
buried across the road between two ridges of hills, muddy, rocky, deeply furrowed by rails, which, after changing into a rain gutter, and in some lower parts s'allagava whole, which would could go by boat, or so he wrote Manzoni, and in the mud and stop passing things, people and animals here such as a white ox that pulls a cart, with white hats dappresso four porters carrying a sedan and a white-haired old man nearby is dragging a trunk equipped with four wheels and creaking down the road there is a shepherd behind a herd of sheep (also white), a pilgrim from the black heart is directed to the Holy Land, but for now it is sitting on a stone and rests. The ridges of the hills draw the outline of a lost city, possibly Etruscan, from which, an extreme offshoot branches off what remains of a wall and a source with a water tank muddy, or perhaps hide the ridges of the vertebrae and limbs of a blue dragon. At the edge of the sky sparse trees are on guard to warn the dragon of the invisible presence of a white tiger yawning and stretching, just behind the hills. It 'a landscape that even distantly resembles that place lost in the labyrinth of memory, quiet, green and shady arcade forzisti grandparents once dreamed of being Italy-Magic, is a rather barren landscape, a man-made time and time eternally crumbling, apparently chewed up and spat upon by generations of barbarians, bums and barn owls in habit. Landscape littered with ruins and remains of an extinct civilization, the ruins of countless centuries have taken the color of the earth, semiaffioranti between the stones and herbs that grow wild in the fields are just unsure of stumbling to the pilgrim and the haggard farmers. The figurine
moving the trunk, then that is his home and his shop (and who has not dreamed at least once to see the world in caravans), wheels squeaking Habakkuk is called, is a jew junk, most of the old cuckoo. Refers to an object or a living being that is as old as the cuckoo when it is very, very old. E 'can use the cuckoo as a touchstone for dating an object or living being: a coffee grinder, a sewing machine to handle, Habakkuk. Note well, this way of saying is only used in a pejorative sense, if not pejorative. It can not ever say a Commodore 64 with 48K of RAM capable of generating the graph of a sine wave wire after only fifty minutes of calculation that is as old as the cuckoo, but an old 486 PC certainly yes. A similar reasoning applies to a living being: the dog is incontinent of neighbors, the mangy cat's aunt, the octogenarian professor clear, and so on are classified as old as the cuckoo.
A question arises at this point to mind: How old is the cuckoo? E 'can be found on ebay a cuckoo used but still in good condition? And how to recognize a cuckoo from a vile imitation of the original, only the price hexose? Or there are objective parameters, rational, a rational-list to types of cuckoo. And the hands-on experience helps? Like the one that allows, for example, to distinguish at a glance a porcini mushroom that seems to be a grade to the layman but it is not. Already, there are poisonous chumps?
To answer these and similar questions must be, first, clear up misunderstandings, and too tough to die as old as the cuckoo: The cuckoo is not an object, the cuckoo is not a living being The cuckoo is not an animal or a plant. The cuckoo is a mountain, or rather was a hill, or rather was a hill on the outskirts of Florence, in Oltrarno. Shortly after the mid-fifteenth century, on the slope of that hill, called precisely Montecucco, was built by that Luca Pitti, apparently designed by Brunelleschi, a building that from then on was always known as Palazzo Pitti, despite the many changes of ownership ( Vittorio Emanuele II also lived there). It could be said that Habakkuk is at least as old Palazzo Pitti. But you can go even further back in time. It seems that Luca Pitti did weigh all his authority to obtain the necessary permits for the building of his palace, he could not live otherwise. In that time of the Renaissance incipient lack of affordable housing was already considerable, nevertheless Luca Pitti demolished the houses that existed on Montecucco. Homeowners are invited to bring their bundle of four plums (another way of saying) and clear, had neither a reward nor a new shelter, which took the field here is a custom, as old as the cuckoo. The ruins of these houses are, in fact, the terminus post quem for dating our coffee mill and the neighbors dog, and the Pitti Palace is the terminus ante quem the cuckoo. We can definitely dating
Habakkuk the High Middle Ages, before the cuckoo. A que
'steps, a small steep path, stepped on shore, indicating that other passengers s'eran made it a road' fields, says Manzoni. And those fields down three fugitives screaming as if you ride or 3 mountain bikes used mountain bikes: a fat man, a mercenary of the Nordic countries and a young boy living in a neighboring village just went on fire. They ran against the old pawnbroker and her already shaky now arciconvinto to end his days in front of a baptismal font full of water over mud, for the avoidance of doubt it is locked to the old key in his trailer, but the three figures out to be pleasant, although a bit 'wild, sellers of trinkets. What we sell and what to buy the junk in those days there? At least a head with legs protruding from snails and strange beasts silk shells and the song of a siren trapped in a shell, and then plants and zoomorphic faces of the moon and bat wings and ridges of the dragon and monkfish, maybe a sea turtle's carapace, the front teeth lost by children in school in a school year, crabs and spiders (both live and dead) in abundance, herbs, medicinal herbs, Bach flowers, lice, nightmares and demons with angel wings and devils and demons cynocephali trunk of an elephant, a stuffed platypus, the skin of a tapir, the skull Polyphemus, a Sicilian, stones of lightning, the treasure map of Theodoric, the dentures of Attila, the leaves of the Sibyl, a prism, lenses and old to see far, carpets and rags hanging, Ming vases and penthouses, hats pyramidal , a rabbit in the cylinder, and tarot cards, statues of Buddha, jars of honey, acacia and mysterious creatures of the deep sea fish and preserved in glass jars filled with alcohol, their heads in good spirit of the emperor Trajan and entire worlds inside glass balls, rocks zoomorphic, the horn of a unicorn, a ciocorì, mildew stains on the walls, the pool with a fountain, a handwritten copy of the Bible and some mummy of a saint, grubs and beetles, butterflies black and Polynesian masks, dusty emu eggs and chicken Mugello, eggs and a parchment square with the authority to assign the title and feud bearer thereof.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fast Shutter Point And Shoot Digital
You are visitors landed on a hot morning in late summer of 1971 (or perhaps 1972), in the city of angels. And after a few miles long treks small and large sunny streets here that v'imbattete a storyteller. It is singing. Los Angeles, give me something about yourself! Los Angeles, meet me as I come to meet me, my feet over your streets, you, beautiful city that I loved so much, sad flower in the sand. Hello, old houses, juicy hamburgers, singing in the cafes of the lowest order, subject to Bing Crosby, who sings too .
It 's true, someone is singing their own (apart from the storytellers) but it is Bing. Behind a wooden wall of a house-style "house-of-Donald" someone is actually singing. Bang! Wonder of wonders wonderful, you're going to meet a legend of your childhood burned in front of the CTV during the legendary (for you) the eighties of last century. There
strung in a backstreet, still some shuffling, between whitewashed walls and painting pink under a blue sky without a cloud, and you entered through a door window in the spacious and bright kitchen of an old junk shop singing. And 'he who is singing, Fred Sanford, while cooking for his firstborn and only son, Lamont. The old man is preparing his "special recipe" for breakfast the child. Pull off one of pockets 100 vs. vs the fisherman's jacket. notebook with a black cover and take notes of the procedure, 'ste occasions to grab the fly, only happens once in a lifetime to meet a cesarina so special like Fred Sanford (and you've already lost the recipe for chicken necks fried, with the story of the greedy cousin of parcels of fried chicken that was punished by the gods for his excessive greed, it swallowed the bones of the packages of chicken instead of cough him back into the pot as required by bon ton and so a black night and appeared promptly pointed a chicken's crop, so much so that he could no longer then shaving the Adam's apple, but if I had to pluck every Saturday the village from poulterer under house story that seems to run away in despair from the pages of Origin of Table Manners by Claude Levi-Strauss ).
The special recipe of the old junk for breakfast his son, Lamont.
Slice 1 onion and white inciotolatelo in a nice deep bowl (like jelly for the Neapolitan Mastiff)
½ sliced \u200b\u200bred tomato salad, inciotolate;
broken 3 whole eggs in the bowl;
pepper and salt in abundance, then put on a superstitious ritual for the salt shed;
stir the ingredients with panache, to form a heterogeneous mixture;
pour the bouillon in a saucepan and set fire to gas;
mixed, by 'within the outer pan with a wooden spoon for 35 seconds;
Serve over 2 strings of bacon, before (who knows when) fried in a little' lard ;
bruciaticcio scrape the excess from a couple of slices of bread forget in the old electric oven, then spezzatele in half
decorated the plate with three-quarters of toast, I recommend ways with the French (and pocketed the remaining ¼ of toast fell on the ground). Findings
impromptu Lamont: looks horrible!
Lamont organoleptic rating: not reached.
window concealed in the house of Sanford is right in the picture-collage, it seems that the image has captured the restless ghost of the old junk, shake here and there, of course, is only pretending to sweep a carpet. Fear not, for not need to be afraid of the boogeyman ... unless they're members of the League, but in this case are very different fears, well, 'however, do not be sad, rather than look out the window. You see the outer wall of the house, and beyond the wall there will obviously be the kitchen. But, as we saw in the post No 6 (A) we are not in a bourgeois interior, and the kitchen soon becomes a living space and self, the heart of home, hearth where Lamont drag his father into heated discussions. But the window at that point are severely restricting the new stage area.
And so the window disappeared and it was as if there had ever been.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Can Chickpox Make Women Infertile
The following is an editorial signed by Filippo Rossi appeared in the magazine Farefuturo, a foundation linked to Gianfranco Fini, which speaks explicitly of "guilt" and "wrong" by some Italian right, which was unable to raise its head in the face of the most shameful acts of Silvio Berlusconi. The most popular comment is "But if you notice this only now?" moreover, the misdeeds of our chairman of the board are there for all to see, however, this editorial could really be a watershed that will be in Italy to create a European right, secular and liberal with which you can (finally) a serious political discussion?
hoping that Berlusconi was not portrayed as enemies, but ...
It is not a political issue:
now, it's a free choice
Filippo Rossi We thought it was a simple political debate, the comparison between two ideas of the center. We felt that it was a normal dialogue between different ideas, different options, complementary leadership. We sincerely believe that everything could easily slide into the channels of internal party democracy. It was a confidence that came from a certainty grown over the years: Berlusconi was described by the Cayman antiberlusconiani by profession, was a leader Berlusconi atypical but liberal, Mr Berlusconi was not one of "Bulgarians edicts" of course, Berlusconi had many personal and business matters (how many we could list) but it was a leader with a dream, a lucid madness Berlusconi, in short, was not as describing his enemies. And is based on this certainty that we have defended for years, hoping in his ability to fly and become a great politician, a statista.Adesso everything changed and nothing will ever be. Because no one can convince most that Berlusconi does not coincide fully with its most striking and dramatic caricatures. No one can convince most that Berlusconi does not coincide with the dossieraggio and blackmail, with the lie that it becomes an instrument to attack the opponent and possibly destroy it scientifically. No one can convince most that Berlusconi will not eat dazed and stupid propaganda, slogans, and songs of sir by idiotic commercials. But time will not even try to convince us. And, unfortunately, thought is the past events, the edict against Enzo Biagi, against Daniel Luttazzi against Michele Santoro. Our thoughts turn to guilt for not understanding before, and wanted for failing to raise his head. And now that the edicts touch closely, it is all too easy to change your mind. Today he is right who says why do not we have thought of before? There a response that did not include a hint of shame. A shame, however, now provides the silence, the repetition of an error. We thought that everything was just a political debate. Wrong. It is much, much more. It is a question of civilization. Democracy. And freedom. Perhaps the biggest questions of us, requiring a difficult choice. Mind you, then this does not prevent the "political" does not prevent to take responsibility for getting agreements to govern the country. There is talk of nothing else. There is talk of something more. Because what we have seen in recent times, including records of expulsion and vulgar attacks on the institutions that seem designed as a property private and not public good, international relations and of questionable taste killeraggi media, not to mention the ethical issues turned into party propaganda, here, all this proves that there is a cultural gap first. And that choice at this point is whether or not to stay on the side of a policy that can be said truly secular and liberal. August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blueblockers Theme Sone
collage frame that opens this post shows a panoramic view, almost Venetian, almost Flemish, home-cabin-store Fred Sanford and son, Lamont. It 's the scene of the first episode of the first season (1971-1972) of the TV series, and is already so perfect. A man sings merrily with piano accompaniment. To the left is a door window, the camera pans a room and shows that even distantly resembles that place lost in the maze of memory, silent and shadowy and almost timeless magic and grandparents once defined the good of living -good, rather it is a sunny stanzaccia, lit by three windows and a door. Room seems perpetually crumbling chewed and spat upon by a boxer of twenty-one months, cluttered with objects that have taken the color upholstery, and vice versa, of cianciafruscole broken and scattered on the carpets bleached only by countless summers. And 'the old Fred Sanford, the junk dealers, who sings and plays, but then the cameraman moves the camera forward enough to allow us to see: astonishment, the old is just dusting the floor, made a pianola. It 'we already knew that ( A) we're not in a bourgeois interior, and (B ) that is an ingrained habit that of the old to spend time in idleness heat wave, free old man like a nightingale or the lily of the field by bourgeois concerns joys and responsibilities (soon will win instead of a piano played in TV black and white, in the second season Lamont will take home a mangy sofa and Ale will be only the old dream of a color TV with remote control with three buttons). Both Lamont is the son who works and sweats, peering from the shadows of his pick-up deposits of waste materials at the edges of the streets of Los Angeles, and accumulates in either and out home hardware, and English china and coffins fashions and fads and black roots of Africa's vaguely Eastern religions.
Continued ...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Good Names Of Shops In Belfast For Formal
Download the almanac of 12 months with the record of our opposition in the House. We make better days in Parliament, to affirm and promote another idea of \u200b\u200bItaly
ALMANAC 12 MONTHS OF APPEAL (PDF)From the reconstruction of our group in this difficult season, as it catches the eye is the weakness of the government and its majority in the face of one of the most complex phases of life of our country, for its future, to address the concerns that accompany attempts to overcome the crisis, for his role in the world. We could say that a certain arrogance of numbers, a more obvious attempt to empty the function of Parliament (by the side of an electoral law that every day shows its absurdity), has paid very little in terms of results and that preceded and effectiveness of real collapse of the center that is going on stage even as we go to press. Here you will find
measure to measure our business, our battles, often harsh, our proposals and even the successes, in some cases of considerable importance.
We were able, in fact, as appropriate for a responsible opposition force, to change and improve the substance of some laws even though the end of the examination, in our opinion, are wrong.
was the case in February, just as an example, for the decree that sought to create the corporation of the Civil Protection and the bank to give a system that shortly after the many atrocities have been exposed. We did the same, starting from the work of the commission, the law on wiretapping, the first of our battles in court for the resumption of September.
There is also the activity of commitments made to the Government requested through the motions that gradually have reached the basic requirements for economic, social and cultural development of the country, for the rights of all. Just as it was with the questions and interpellations. A valuable
how accurate dossier produced by our office that handles relations with the Assembly (available on the group at provides a set of data of great interest to understand how to materialize the ' Executive function and in Parliament as has been done our job. Data that often are beyond the great sea of \u200b\u200bpolitical information, overwhelmed by news of different denominations, most linked to the debate daily, often sterile and noisy.
You can see that the group of Pd was confirmed (data relate to the legislature since its inception) in attendance as percentage of total compliance, 81, 8. We were the most present is between those of opposition, both among all groups (usually this record is held by those who support the government). The strong presence in the classroom has enabled us to beat the government 53 times . To remember the victories on our amendment, which virtually annulled the decree saved listings or approve a constitutional ruling that has blown a decree that would help the problem of unauthorized in Campania.
Of the 175 laws passed until mid-July - as stated in the dossier just mentioned - 150 are government initiative. Those born in parliament almost never have major and largely restricted spending. It is in most cases more a symbol, as the institutions of days to celebrate anniversaries or the establishment of commissions of inquiry. Often (in 18 cases out of 25) were approved without going through the classroom, with the system of the legislative committee. Again: the government has broken all records by laying less than 65 decrees (as we mentioned earlier two were locked in the classroom) and asked for 36 times the confidence in both houses. Given this framework
impressive testimony to the attempt of the right to devalue the Parliament, our group has worked with seriousness and passion for bringing new projects in Italy and to affirm a different idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Expressionswith The Word Gold
Back once again inside the apartment, located on the first floor of a building in the early twentieth century, modern eclectic style, located somewhere in the city of Tokyo, for an apartment last survey. With a time machine and go back in time and space to Friday or stay ...
Steve sat on a makeshift bed, made aware of the amount in yen, the British pound exchange rate (British Pound), and the change in U.S. dollar, the currency exchange Sir William, the value of 1 / 8 of the monthly rent paid by the tenant English Unknown to the Japanese landlord, persuaded Sir William to sublet for a few days half of his half of the apartment in exchange for 1 / 16 of the monthly rent. Only the wooden wall and a traditional rice paper defends the reasoning of the athlete accounting silence eastern U.S. in the next room, the bedroom of the girl. In the foreground an aquarium and to the right and beyond the wall is the kitchen, the living room door opens onto a hallway to our right is the entrance door of the apartment, left the room and end of the hallway (or hall) and after a few steps down, the bathroom. No room or window appears 2A exist in the apartment, which could be as locabile apartment ; trifles, pinzillacchere, in short anything that could end up in the box of the family jewels (or jute sack) of a relative, parentastro, similar, with the amphibious side-gills or the low band ... that is a local hero of Italian politics.
Saturday morning. A view of the living room seen from the bedroom, as if the traditional wall of wood and rice paper was open.
Saturday afternoon. A view of the living room, side entrance. Steve, an athlete in the company of the Soviet Union, Sir William invited to dinner who gladly accepts having nothing better to do, apart from reading a hardcover book with the red, and what happened to the dust jacket? (Not to mention Monica Vitti and Luca Pitteri).
Here we are again in the morning on Saturday. Sir William has just knocked on the bathroom window, where the English tenant is just out of the shower. L 'image-collage prospectus shows the street side of the apartment: the foggy window of the bathroom (with the round dall'inglesina done by hand), the mysterious box, the window of the room he enters with a bottle of Sir William milk for breakfast and the door finally living room window, where Steve is referring to the bed.
Cary Grant, passing by the window mysterious lays an impossible curious glance into the room 2A ghost in the apartment on the first floor of a building, the early twentieth century modern eclectic style, in Tokyo, Osako 235 Road. Only meta
peek and the plot is saved.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Burning During Peeing While Period
- Posted Thursday, August 5, 2010 by Frederick Ginato *
Dear Democrats,
Sunday, August 15 marks the 66th anniversary of Nazi-Fascist dell'eccidio Hut Zonta. That day in 1944, 17 young supporters of the group led by Commander Bruno Viola, who had found refuge in the hut, were lined up against the outer wall and brutally slain, a sacrifice that allowed them to break away companions.
This anniversary celebrates one of the most significant and bloody resistance to the mountains of Veneto and Trentino, and this year, in addition to a speech by the Mayor of Schio Luigi Dalla Via, is expected to be the ' Mrs Rosy Bindi , Vice President of the Chamber and Chairman of the Democratic Party to keep the official prayer.
For those who would or could participate, here are the day's program.
Sunday, August 15 - Folgaria
9.30 - Gathering in Folgaria (loc. Hut Zonta)
10.00 - Commemoration with interventions:
Maurizio Toller, Mayor of Folgaria
Luigi Dalla Via, Mayor of Schio
Giuseppe Ferrandi, Director, Historical Museum Trentino, on "The Memorial Park"
On ROSY BINDI , Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies
11.00 - MASS AT CAMP
decorated attend the municipalities, the guard of Honour and the town of Banda Cornedo Vicentino.
12:30 pm - Possibility to visit the exhibition " Feuer! The big roundups partisan summer of 1944 between the Veneto and Trentino "(at Maso Spilzi in Costa Folgaria).
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Just trust in 299 Caliendo
The majority was then stopped at 299 votes, well below 316 of which should be available. "299 is less than 316, the numbers speak. Mathematics is stronger than politics - said Dario Franceschini , leader of the Democratic Party in the House - In Parliament there is a residual that will win the majority votes on each occasion. "
Today in the House before the motion presented by the PD and dall'IDV was staged with the crisis of the former PDL screaming among the deputies stayed with Berlusconi and those who followed Fli Gianfranco Fini, the nervousness of the Northern League el ' unpublished harangue of a minister of justice in favor of his secretary, to ensure it meets the face of separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary, all in the name of protest to the ongoing investigations. The Keeper
Angelino Alfano made to the Secretary of the shield investigated: "We defend Caliendo, defending him as a principle, that of not guilty, and a value written into the Constitution, that of legality. And now aware that some of my colleagues, many will do it for party discipline, will not vote according to conscience, but bend to the usefulness of a parliamentary day, the parliamentary tactics of a day, a high and noble principle, "says Minister of Justice. Paradoxically
told not to wish to go into work but then removed the robes, declassified P3 in the "construction of certain token and this time makes clear the recipient of the warning on the political consequences of voting no confidence in the Caliendo.
"It 's amazing that a Minister of Justice to give rulings in the Parliament by making its voice heard above the current investigations, investigations that must be respected - tells the tg3 Pier Luigi Bersani - Once again there is a government that does not know the basics. " Separate
here, between screams and fights. Within the majority was touched up the fight, both verbal and physical. He started the dinner with Prime Minister Berlusconi to the Members of the PDL: "Abstention is a choice without effect, a serious political mistake. O to vote no confidence in Caliendo and you do not understand why, or if you claim the government is just the confidence vote. " Then
Marco Martinelli (PDL) and Aldo Di Biagio (FLI) after a dispute meet in the corridors at the back of the classroom to continue the "clarification". To quell some duelists committed and colleagues of the two groups ...
The separation hurts more than expected as indicated by the PD leader, Dario Franceschini, speaking for the declaration to vote on the motion of no confidence in Caliendo: "Mr Berlusconi may wonder in 1994 and for many years on stage were her, Fini and Casini. You ask why on that stage is left alone. Ask yourself why those who have in a normal mind center, a European center at some point must necessarily give up working with her. Ask yourself, Hon. Berlusconi, who is dramatic evidence of weakness, try to limit, do not respond to the criticism as politically are the real leaders, but respond only with the arrogance of the master fighter who disobeys, showing the muscles that no longer. "
Franceschini, in his speech, outlined a government at sunset, with a state of bankruptcy on the same reforms announced and not implemented.
Having defined the birth of Fli "a political fact very relevant, as the abstention of today - he said - the majority out of the elections is no more. There majority that will have to build a residual survival time after time, with the abstentions on the individual amendments. It 'started the second part of the legislature and will be completely different. We do not know how long. But Berlusconi Hon, do not think threatening to scare all the elections as you are reduced to shreds losses! Remember that you can resign and the day that she will be the day of his surrender and of our victory. But a minute after the resignation she leaves the stage and the word passed to the Head of State and Parliament, and we know that that would be crazy to go back to vote for the third time with this electoral law - how you call this crap - we will make every battle to return to vote with a different law. Our goal is to return Italy to a comparison of normal and civilized. "
Regarding Franceschini dismissed the motion reads" tactics and conspiracy, "stressing that it is a" battle of values \u200b\u200band law. "Justicialism No, he asking that if you can not submit his resignation when a secretary, inter alia, put pressure on the Constitutional Court.
reactions in PD.
After the vote with the TG3 Bersani faces the prospect of a political landscape that has changed: "Now change the film because we are faced with a situation that presents all the conditions for a government crisis. E 'curious who strongly defend the government, Berlusconi also tetragona Caliendo will to stay at his place and 'left with the league, which had made its theme highlights the law. The League is to hold a candle to anyone. "And on a transitional government insists:" We need a government in time to deal with electoral reform, labor and clean up the rules that have allowed corruption to the highway. Not I have not names: or to include or to exclude them. It is up to the president. "
Better to ally with the third prong that Di Pietro? "The best is to shorten the distances between all the opposition forces. I work for this: for an alliance of government with strong a larger circle of defense of the rules of the game that Berlusconi challenges.
With the third largest, added the Secretary-democratic, "there 'a constitutional and democratic struggle to do. What then is this an encouragement for other possibilities, we will see," adds PD leader.
Meanwhile, the House closes its doors until September 8. Then "we will have to make the opposition do it well, though at the time of opposition to Berlusconi is not 'a single game. It takes more 'generosity by all. Our project-end-e 'for the alternative. Not for nothing. "
'E' a government with the water in the throat, the House minority, which refuses to acknowledge that the majority no longer exists. "
This commentary by David Sassoli , Chairman of the Delegation of the Democratic Party to the European Parliament after the vote on the Secretary Caliendo.
"From Montecitorio bounces in Europe the image of a government now adrift, unable to address the economic crisis, stunned by the moral question, intending only to emulate Samson. The House vote would push the prime minister to take note that the majority out of the election no longer exists and that the government is not capable of providing stability to the country. Should turn the page, even though we know responsibility that is difficult to ask someone who has always placed before their own interests with those of the country. It 'clear, however - Sassoli claims - that the crisis is now open. Let's just hope it does not weigh too much on a country bent on irresponsible choices. "