were a thousand in front of Parliament to protest against the indiscriminate and linear cuts on safety. Representatives of the Police, Fire, Forestry, Guardia di Finanza and bake for an Air Force outraged financial maneuver that does not guarantee development but degrades and becomes ever more insecure the job. A lot of dignity in the warm 40 degree roman
difficult now the police can play on the numbers of those present. The representatives of the police tapes showed blacks arm and epitaphs in mourning, "the country is in mourning today, because security is dead."
"We ask the government - said the secretary of the union of Police Sap, Nicola Tanzi - that is to be done through the interpretation of the standard technical report to accompany the maneuver. It is true that the government has shielded the decree, but we are confident that we can still intervene. " At stake is a matter of no small importance: the security of citizens ", already undermined by the cuts from the previous fiscal space".
Among the protesters also came Enrico Letta, vice secretary of the Democratic Party. "Security - said Democratic leader expressed his support for the protests of representatives of law enforcement - is the first victim of the maneuver and the wiretapping bill.
"If the government - said the Deputy Democratic Party - has problems of timing, we are willing we, like Pd, take care of time to change the operation on the things that need changing
Even Emanuele Fiano, president of the Security Forum of the Democratic Party, was present in Piazza Montecitorio to bring solidarity to the PD Hundreds of policemen and soldiers attending the event.
"We intervened - Fiano said - even in the classroom for Members to bring our solidarity to those who, every day, risking their lives defending the country and not only the principles of the Constitution and today feel humiliated and offended by the reckless cuts made by the government. "
Now, in addition to the work of opposition in the House, is to be hoped that Berlusconi arrives at the "interception" of the protest of the police: these are acts that are relevant.
"The flags of all the security sector unions are this morning waving to the streets House. The joint demonstration of SIULP, Sap, UGL State Police, Siap, trade unions and the prison service will bake the Armed Forces of the economic measures against the cuts shows the abandonment of this government to those who work for the safety of citizens. " Villecco Calipari said Rose, taking part in the protest outside the House.
"Even today - said Calipari - now is the approval of the Minister Maroni to the operation conducted against one of the most dangerous clan of the 'Ndrangheta."
"Dear Minister - said the vice president - we welcome compliments, but this maneuver is to weigh on the sector with a contribution of 11%. Closing police stations, reduction in flying in the area, lowering the fight against illegal immigration and, simultaneously, the requests for extension of time to stay that allow the inclusion of foreigners who work honestly in our country. This is the policy of the Berlusconi government, the promises and praise can not hide. "
A. Dra by partitodemocratico.it
The Democratic Party does not stand .
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