Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sock Hop Birthday Invitation Wordin
report a site that I discovered today and he had a small comfort to know him first "This is the site of elected councils of parents of school childcare services offered by the City of Milan. "
For those who are preparing to leave for primary school children, a little taste dell'ambientino exists. The parents' response to the letter sent to them by the mayor and Experiences of theatrical anthropology that "whiteness" describe the educational situation:
Friday, November 26, 2010
Swot Analysis About Disco Cafe
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Milena Veiba Free Moves
Public below decalogue Federica Biasin one of seven candidates for parents of school children of the pole 23
1. Enhancement of educational staff
The quality and continuity of the relationship with the teachers are very important in a school that has a heart the needs of children and who wants to accompany their growth with organic design and a stable reference points. In recent years, however, the number of people involved in the care of children in fact continues to decline.
should instead: *
respect the numerical relations (2 teachers per 25 children in the timetable under 9:00 to 4:00 p.m., and 2 teachers for every 20 children in the section if you have a child with disabilities) throughout the day and for all year. The ratio should be in front report daily and must be respected at the time of formation of the chambers and not obtained on the basis of the average number of children attending single days;
* cover so the total organic the first day of commencement of activities
* give the teachers in each school "1 to 3, assessed on individual schools and the educational direction, for schools with two sections, and those with odd number of sections, assign teachers wildcard upwards and not down (eg school sections with 5 = 2 assignment of figures "1 to 3);
* you replace the absent teachers with rankings on educational directions;
* enhance the training and retraining of educators; *
in every choice of reorganization and replacement of teachers, give high priority to educational continuity for children.
2. More resources and attention for children with disabilities
To ensure that all children with equal dignity and equal opportunities to education and socialization, are convinced that different cognitive pathways are a treasure for everyone, we ask: *
reinternalizzare support service for disabled children, with trained staff, all day and all year round, from the first day of commencement of the educational activities and ensuring timely replacement in case of absence
* give high priority the educational continuity, both vertically and horizontally, with a guarantee of the place and the section membership for the year of welding (required in all or almost all cases for children between 5 and 6 years who delay entry to primary school);
* verbalize the parents-teachers meetings for the drafting of the IEP (Plan Individual Education) with a constant update of the situation, built the advice;
* once the documentation submitted, that requests for additional documentation or determination of ASL (except in the event of significant changes) subjecting the child to unnecessary stress ;
* ensuring compliance with the rules and procedures in place by schools and professionals involved.
3. Enhancement of multi-ethnic and intercultural school
paths to facilitate mutual understanding of different cultures and promote integration and to make possible and effective family-school relationships, we ask:
* set up in schools the figures of the mediators and facilitators of language;
* provide information in different languages;
* create curricular projects that emphasize cultural diversity as a richness and at the same time, introduce the richness of interculturalism as a value in itself, regardless of presence of children from other countries;
* create an observatory for study and comparison with the best practices of other countries in Europe and beyond, on the issue of multi-ethnic school and the different experiences carried out in this field;
* allocate resources specifically aimed at projects of this type.
4. Enhancement of the support staff
salespeople are involved in the relationship of care for children, with specific tasks, such as the reception at the morning and coaching in the bathroom, and cover some tasks necessary for the proper functioning the school. Their role is less clear in recent years, while the number was at least halved.
ask about: *
increase the number of committed and review job descriptions, with the involvement of PO and educators, to avoid potential discomfort for the child (dirty toilets during the day, children who can not sleep because no one is held to set up the cots, etc.).
* EO leave the possibility of establishing some specific tasks to support staff to meet the needs of the facility.
5. Attention to the quality standards of the outsourced services
The outsourcing of many services, which are essential to everyday life in schools, provides a strong commitment to quality control of themselves.
why we ask for: *
award of contracts for external services with reasonable time (at least 60 days before the start of the operating contract), to allow the structures of winning contracts to search for, select and train operators;
* define the professional profile of the operators, their evaluation criteria and eligibility standards and quality of service must ensure that the external structures for the duration of the contract;
* produce a systematic method to assess a priori, for each individual school, the number of people and time necessary to perform the requested service;
* implement sanitary controls on operators and on the regularity and respect of contracts of employment;
PO * set up joint committees, educators, parents, support staff and representatives of the cooperatives to assess and monitor the effectiveness of all outsourced services, including special procedures and assessment grids.
6. Maintenance and overcoming the degradation of school buildings
The shortcomings of the structures to provide preschools are numerous. From the most serious (Eg asbestos on the covers) to the most popular (eg, clogged drains, sub-standard facilities).
To overcome this situation of deterioration, we ask:
* increasing investment in the maintenance of buildings and furniture (toilet, doors, windows, roofs, drains, etc.) and simplify the process for awarding contracts and management by the technical departments of area
* improve the maintenance of outdoor spaces (floors, great games, etc.). and workshops;
* write a manual that makes clarity on who the interlocutors of the Administration and / or co-operatives outside contact for the individual problems of maintenance;
* evaluate the possibility of direct management of the maintenance by the PO, with a special portfolio available;
* allocate more economic investment to bridge the gap in the regulatory changes regarding the removal of architectural barriers, the safety measures in buildings, remediation asbestos and for emergency response or in response to orders of the ASL,
* PO and involve the teachers in the design of spaces in new buildings or refurbishment and maintenance of existing ordinary and extraordinary;
* respectively, possibly not always the minimum levels, the ratio m / child spaces available, also taking into account the particularities facilities (eg schools without a garden / outdoor areas need more space available within the school itself).
7. Major initiatives of the organization to the extension of educational service
the light of the needs of families, social work, ask about: *
time to organize the activities of summer camps, with clear and transparent and with a communication to the families of the management procedures of the personnel employed and designated premises, in reasonable time (February / March) *
periods not covered by the calendar school provision for access to contracted external initiatives that meet the organizational needs of working parents (eg campus in agreement with the many sports facilities such as Lido and Saini, or cultural, as in Forest City, the area) as is for children in primary schools.
8. Higher quality 'and service control of school meals
's meal, and then the service provided by Milan Restaurant, is an important time for children. In order to be managed in the best way possible and to enable parents to make a contribution very useful by the Boards Mensa, ask the administrator control and a more effective contribution, or ask you to: * encourage
Milan Dining drafting of the Charter of Services;
* prepare, together with Milan Restaurant, an updated handbook, for Use of the Boards Mensa, which has indicated its role, duties, rights, duties, and which, above all, the powers of the City of Milan and Food and the names and addresses of contact persons and persons responsible for both entities;
* effectively monitor the quality and timely service provided by Milan Restaurant, independently compared with the controls from Milan Restaurant same;
Quality Circles * create the ISO reference, involving parents, educators, Milano Restaurant, ASL, pediatricians area, representatives of the institution to deal with issues concerning the service and develop proposals for a solution and draw up the statutes and rules and procedures.
9. Creating an effective school medical service
To a greater and more effective presence of ASL in schools, we ask:
* enhance the health service provision of childcare;
* create moments meeting between health care and families to improve the effectiveness of communication on health issues and strengthen the community health education with courses involving school, family and pediatricians of area
* request the SLA to include other health screenings for children (eg, audiometric and postural) and manage them directly;
* time schedule information and training for education staff and families to prevent chronic diseases of various kinds, in cooperation with area pediatricians;
* require the use of ASL Doctors and health workers to administer lifesaving drugs or chronic diseases for children during school hours.
10. A transparent and timely communication with parents
We believe that families and schools are not two separate areas, but they should know how to integrate to promote harmony in which our children can benefit as they grow.
The basis is need for a more effective communication between administration and families. So we ask: *
be informed, through structured communications (warnings shouts, to meet a scheduled basis, etc..) And in detail the progress of the school: eg. staff shortages, changes in staffing, maintenance, changes in the management of services, cultural activities and information, log on to English or religion, information on School Councils and the elections, etc.
* be able to provide our comments, observations and feedback, both through advice school directly as individual families, with agreed terms (meetings, periodic questionnaires, dedicated mailboxes, etc..)
* to speed up procedures for new elections of the Board of Education, intensify the meetings of the Board of School and return value and decision making on the institution, but also expanding the opportunities for interaction with the Administration and by providing parents elected spaces and providing structured interaction with other parents;
* time for families to communicate important information such as the school calendar, the ranking of entries, the possibility of transferring from one school to another, the offices of summer camps, etc..
Monday, November 22, 2010
Camera Adapter Iphone
Tuesday, 23/11/2010 Tomorrow ends the "electioneering." Of our 23
center of Milan, two schools of children have parents who are not candidates.
Saturday 27 November 2010 from 8 to 18 you vote for the election of parent representatives on the board school. They can vote both parents. The place where parents vote will be announced by Wednesday 24.
Parents are 23 candidates for the Pole: ________
Nicola, Alberto ________, ________ Raffaella, Federica ________, ________ Pamela, Luca ________, ________ ________ Matilda ________ Antonio
Some schools do not have any parent as a candidate.
Our intention is to represent all that well, and then invite you to participate in the voting, please keep in touch by reading the blog:
asking the 'enrollment in the closed group of facebook: infanziamilano .
We believe in a school with the democratic participation of parents in the definition of educational pathways.
We believe that parents can make a strong contribution to the climate because we believe that the school reflected the noblest that educators can receive is not cheap but admiration of children and their parents.
We believe in a school that despite the economic problems can be excellent.
Parent Promoter: Laterza Antonio
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Podziękowanie Dla Dyrekcji
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Disney Clocks Instruction

Today, as specified on page 10 begins the "electioneering."
Yesterday, a teacher was sick and the classes were merged exceeding the maximum number of children required by law.
I could not miss today and will set out leaflets.
Photo source